I know it's an old post, but I'm an IntelliJ IDEA user and here's a quick way to get Processing + Java running and tested with Processing 2.0b7:
1) Create a fresh Java project (module) with no additional frameworks (no web module or Spring etc.). I use Java 7 and SDK 1.7, which you can set either initially or afterwards with File>Project Structure>Project>Project SDK=1.7, Project Language Level=7 (Browse to Java SDK and Java).
2) Add processing lib:
a) Add a folder named 'lib' on the same level as source ('src'). Right/select click on project root/base and choose New>Directory.
b) Download and extract a version of Processing appropriate to your O.S.
c) Copy all the jars from 'core' (for example ...downloads...\processing-2.0b7\core\library\ ) to your 'lib' folder outside of IntelliJ IDEA (Windows Explorer or what you Maclix folks use).
d) Right/select click on your new 'lib' folder in IntelliJ and click 'Add As Library'
e) Wait... if prompted, agree to things without changing anything. It should happen by itself in a somewhat automagical fashion. Watch the bottom notification area and wait until the spinny gif stops spinning.
3) In your 'src' folder, add a new Class. Name it 'MyProcessingSketch ' and overwrite the contents with the code from 'http://processing.org/learning/eclipse/':
import processing.core.*;
public class MyProcessingSketch extends PApplet {
public void setup() {
public void draw() {
if (mousePressed) {
4) Click ‘Run’ and run as an Applet (selecting ‘MyProcessingSketch’ as the Applet). You can add the class with 'Edit Configurations' but the point here is to run the program as an Applet with this class as the main, at least as a start.
5) Eventually a window applet should pop up with a black background. You should be able to click and drag inside it and draw white lines. Congratulations!