Processing Forum
during opening the following message shows and nothing happens""the sketchbook folder no longer exists.processing will switch to the default sketchbook location and create a new sketchbook folder if necessary .processing will then stop taking about himself in the third person""   .once I deleted the processing folder in my document folder

I don't  know what to do please help


i'm a bit confused by the order of events. Here's how I am interpreting what you are saying:

1) Open Processing
2) Receive error "folder no longer exists...switch to default location...create new sketchbook folder...stop 3rd person...etc"
3) You delete Processing folder in your document folder.

if I have the order of events right, you cannot do step 3, you definitely need that folder.  if you deleted it at anytime, that is why it is continually recreating it.

if I don't have the events right, tell me more and I'll try to help.