Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this problem I am having. I fly multirotor aircraft and one of the flight controllers I use is the MultiWii controller that is based on and arduino mcu and different types of sensors to acquire flight from as simple as a 3axis gyro setup up to 3axis gyro, 3axis accelerometer, 3axis compass, barometer and soon to be gps in some of the forms of the software.
The MultiWii software has a GUI that was created in Processing and for some reason that I cannot figure out, along with many others is it will not work correctly on my laptop. The GUI for the software is where all of the fine tuning and setting up the craft is done, so without the GUI, you are quite a bit limited. Commands can be made via the TX sticks, but to really get what you need out of the software, the GUI is extremely helpful.
Now here is what is an example of what the GUI should look like:

and here is what I get on my laptop:

The versions do not matter, the GUI has never looked correctly on this laptop, it appears that the GUI is functional in that I can select options in it, but I just cannot read any of the fonts. The font used in the GUI is Arial bold, and I have a normal install of Win7/64bit that has Arial bold on it. I have another desktop that is running Win7/64 too and it has the random crash that I have read on the Processing site that says that it is a java issue and Processing cannot due anything about it, it is a Core 2 rig w/ ATI gpu. The ubuntu machine that it runs on is an old skt939 3000 AMD setup w/ integrated graphics and the laptop that has the issue is a Lenovo T400, about 1.5yrs old.
All drivers and windows have been updated along with java, both 32 and 64bit versions.
The code that has all the source can be found
I have tried many of the examples found on the Processing webpage on this laptop and they run fine, so if anybody could shed light on what may be causing the issue w/ the GUI that does not allow reading, it would be greatly appreciated.
If anybody is interested in reading a bit about the project in general it can be found
here and
Thank you in advance for your assistance,