Processing Forum
I have come across a problem. When I debug my code in Eclipse, I set a breakpoint and it stops right there. This is ok. If I click Step In or Step Over, it again does all as expected. But when it eventually comes to the end of the main program loop, it turns out that it comes to the end of the draw() function, and then, as I understand, it tries to dig into Processing core.jar which source I do not have. Eclipse then stumbles with message that the source code is not available. This is ok, I do not need to debug Processing, I need to debug my code, but how can I acheive this? Is there any way to sort of "jump over" all the stuff that does not have sources?

Searching over the internet I have found the only solution - to download sources for the jars. This is really silly. Why can't Eclipse just skip them? Is there any way?


Well, at the end of draw(), just use the Run command (F8), it will run freely up to the next break point, eg. at the start of draw().