this library contains tools that are used in the field of computer vision.
its not a wrapper of openCV or some other libraries , so maybe you are missing some features ( ... which may be implemented in the future).
its designed to be very fast to use it for realtime applications (webcam-tracking, kinect-tracking, ...).
also, it works very well in combination with the kinect-library ( dLibs.freenect ) ... which i basically built it for ... to track blobs, generate contours from 3d-data, and else.
it should work in combination with other libraries too, since the blobdetection is very flexible and works with any given data-arrays.
the examples, that come with the library, demonstrates:
- kinect 3D/2D tracking (requires dLibs.freenect v01.10 or higher)
- a simple marker tracking
- image-blob tracking
- connected component labeling - blobdetection
- contours:
continuous polyline
a blob has only one outer contours, and can have endless inner contours
the outer contour always goes in clockwise-direction, the inner ones go counter-clockwise - convex hull
- double-linked-list (used for the covex hull for quick node adding/removing)
- polyline tools (simplification, area-size, length, etc.)
- color class for fast generating/extracting of color components