Processing Forum

Processing Challenge

in General Discussion  •  Other  •  2 years ago  
Wouldn´t be nice if we had a "challenge forum". Maybe 2 categories. One more focused on programming skills. And another in the visual output. So, someone proposes a certain topic and anyone can give it a try. I think a problem could be having to much proposals, so maybe we could limit them to 2 each week ro something. The thing is who would be in charge of selecting challenges. A voting forum. Just thinking out loud here.


I like this idea.

It reminds me of this art project, where different programmers were given the same set of instructions and came up with different results. By the way, in this case, the instructions were:
A surface filled with one hundred medium to small sized circles. Each circle has a different size and direction, but moves at the same slow rate. Display:
A. The instantaneous intersections of the circles
B. The aggregate intersections of the circles
Were you thinking of something along these lines?

Yes, that is what I was thinking about. Other examples could be:

1. Use only this image and processing to create an image.

2.Create a human face using olny processing.

3.Create an animation of rain.
