Processing audio player customization?
Core Library Questions
9 months ago
Hey people,
I am new to all this processing stuff (not familiar with all the fancy terms yet) but have a quick question. I am using the following code to match music played with processing to control PWMs on my arduino. Unfortunately the music player that opens if very simple. I can't play/pause the music or fast forward/rewind. Just curious if there is anything to add that might add some more features to the music player?
Edit: I forgot to mention that I am using processing 1.5.1 for this. No other version will work with this stuff.
//processing code for communicating with arduino using
//Firmata library.
//In the arduino I've uploaded the StandardFirmata sketch.
//this program blink 5 leds in pins 3,5,6,9,10
//detecting music rythm
//Code by Damiano Andreghetti
//Example song: No time to stop - Luca Guardigli
//For more information visit
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*; //Import ddf.minim library
import processing.serial.*; //Import serial library
import cc.arduino.*; //Import Arduino library
Arduino arduino;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer song;
FFT fft;
//I create the objects
//To play another song change the song_file value
String song_file = "mag3.mp3";
int xmax = 600; //window width
int ymax = 300;//window height
void setup()
size(xmax, ymax);
minim = new Minim(this);
arduino = new Arduino(this, "COM5", 57600);
song = minim.loadFile(song_file);;
fft = new FFT(song.bufferSize(), song.sampleRate());
// in this function I create the minim object, I start
//communicating with Arduino,I load the song and I play it and
// I start the Fast Fourier Transofrm
void draw()
stroke(127, 255, 0, 200); //I set the color of my lines
for(int i = 10; i < fft.specSize(); i++){
line(i, height-30, i, height - (30+fft.getFreq(i*10)));
// I create lines that represent the amplitude
// of each frequency.
text("Min Freq", 10, height-10);
text("Max Freq", fft.specSize(), height-10);
ledcontrol(); //I call the function for the arduino
void ledcontrol(){
//In this function I use arduino analogWrite function
// to write in PWM pins the amplitude
// of five general frequency
// arduino.analogWrite(6, gate(120,100));
//arduino.analogWrite(5, gate(80,80));
arduino.analogWrite(3, gate(120,100));
//arduino.analogWrite(5, int(fft.getFreq(60)));
// arduino.analogWrite(6, int(fft.getFreq(220)));
// arduino.analogWrite(3, gate(64,200));
// arduino.analogWrite(6, gate(300,100));
// arduino.analogWrite(3, gate(220,100));
// arduino.analogWrite(5, gate(120,100));
// arduino.analogWrite(3, int(fft.getFreq(220)));
// arduino.analogWrite(3, int(fft.getFreq(1000)));
// arduino.analogWrite(6, int(fft.getFreq(600)));
// arduino.analogWrite(5, int(fft.getFreq(1000)));
int gate(int i, int j)
return 255;
return 0;