Problem with Split()
Integration and Hardware
1 month ago
Im writing a processing program to display data from an accelerometer using P3D. The data is sent over serial from a Launchpad in the format "xAngle,yAngle". Im trying to split the string to an int[] but the result of the the array always leaves the second element of the array blank.
Here is the code from the Launchpad:
- const int xpin = A0; // x-axis of the accelerometer
- const int ypin = A3; // y-axis
- void setup(){
- // initialize the serial communications:
- Serial.begin(9600);
- }
- void loop(){
- // print the sensor values:
- Serial.print(analogRead(xpin));
- Serial.print(",");
- Serial.print(analogRead(ypin));
- Serial.println(); // print out linefeed
- // delay before next reading:
- delay(100);
- }
- import processing.serial.*;
- Serial myPort; // The serial port
- int xVal;
- int yVal;
- int lf = 10;
- String inString;
- int[] xList;
- float xAng,yAng;
- void setup() {
- size(400,400,P3D);
- println(Serial.list());
- myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
- myPort.bufferUntil(lf);
- stroke(255);
- }
- void draw() {
- background(0);
- text("received: " + inString, 10,50);
- xList = int(inString.split(","));
- println("String = "+ inString);
- println("Array = "+xList[0]+","+xList[1]);
- xAng = map(xList[0],350,560,0,PI*2);
- directionalLight(51,102,126,+1,0,-1);
- translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
- fill(200);
- rotateX(xAng);
- box(80);
- }
- void serialEvent(Serial p) {
- inString = myPort.readString();
- }
- String = 442,465
- Array = 442,0
- String myString = "100,200";
- int[] xList;
- xList = int(split(myString,','));
- println("X: "+xList[0]);
- println("Y: "+xList[1]);