Problem with serial over bluetooth
Integration and Hardware
10 months ago
I have the same problem, any solution?
There is something seriously wrong with processing and/or RXTX and virtual serial ports of bluetooth dongles (tested 2.0a5 and earlier versions under Windows XP, with XP's bluetooth stack): The outgoing COM6 port of my LogiLink USB bluetooth dongle stops working as soon as I execute the following code:
import processing.serial.*;
Serial serialServoPort;
COM6 is listed once but after these three lines are executed, Hyperterminal can no longer access COM6 unless I turn the remote bluetooth device (a microcontroller module) off and on. The bluetooth services page of XP, which normally shows SPP "Dev B", is empty after these commands have been executed. COM6 is not listed again if the program is executed twice. However, if port COM6 is held open by Hyperterminal, which doesn't have any problems at all with the COM6 port, processing doesn't corrupt it and lists it continously?!
Google search suggests Bluetooth port problems has been going on for years as far as processing and RXTX are concerned - which is a bit disappointing. Something as simple as a serial interface so buggy...