problem with .charAt()
Programming Questions
1 year ago
Hi everyone. Im new to processing (i started 5 days ago

I've been progamming an sketch in which you press any key on the key board and it gives you the ascii and binary values. That part is working great. However, i want to be able to represent the binary value in a graphical way, so my sketch is progammed to draw grey circles for 0 and green circles for 1(the binary values). But when i run my sketch it highlights some part with the function charAt() on it and then gives this error messages:
Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1
at java.lang.String.charAt(
at char_to_bin_.draw(
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(
i hope that anypne can explain me how t slove this. Thank a lot.
- int letter = 0; //declare variables
- char car;
- char compare;
- String binaryString ;
- void setup(){
- size(1000,300); //size and background color
- background(0);
- }
- void draw(){
- background(0);
- fill(255);
- binaryString=binary(letter); //convert to bin
- if(binaryString.length()<8){ //make sure the binary string always has 8 characters
- if(binaryString.length()==7){ //to make sure we draw 8 circles
- binaryString = "0" + binaryString;
- }else{
- if(binaryString.length()==6){
- binaryString = "00" + binaryString;
- }else{
- if(binaryString.length()==5){
- binaryString = "000" + binaryString;
- }else{
- if(binaryString.length()==4){
- binaryString = "0000" + binaryString;
- }}}}}
- if(letter <300){ //write on the screen our values
- text(car,200,50);
- text (letter,390,50);
- text(binaryString,550,50 );
- }
- text("the binary is:",450,50); //write on the screen the desciption of our values
- text("the ascii value is:",250,50);
- text("the character received is:",10,50);
- for(int i=0; i<8 ; ++i){ //draw the circles with grey for 0 and green for 1
- if(binaryString.charAt(i)==0){ //this is the problematic line
- fill(100);
- }else{
- fill(0,255,0);}
- if(i==0){
- i=1;
- ellipse(i*100,height/2,80,80 );
- i=0;
- }else{
- ellipse(i*100,height/2,80,80 );}
- }
- }
- void keyPressed(){ //the part to analyse the key that was pressed
- letter=key;
- car=key;
- }