Problem with a very simple code
Programming Questions
7 months ago
I'm a very newbie with Processing and I have a problem that I don't understand.
I will write a simple program with a specified background and a Polygon positioned in the correct coordinates. This Polygon have a dimension at start and in five steps must redimensioned (zoom out).
The problem is that the drawPolygon() method called by draw() method, draw everything he found without consider the i variable. So i can't simulate a zoom out (i take the way where i draw 5 different polygon, when the first is the biggest).
How can I resolve this problem?
I'm sorry for the stupid question and probably a poor English.
If you have more advice, do not hesitate.
Thank you.
Good Evening
My code is:
- PImage bg;
- int startTime;
- int totalTime=5000;
- int i=1;
- public void setup() {
- size(900, 557);
- bg = loadImage("MyImage");
- }
- public void draw() {
- background(bg);
- strokeWeight(4);
- stroke(1);
- noFill();
- System.out.println("i -> " + i);
- if ((millis()-startTime) > totalTime) {
- startTime = millis();
- drawPolygon(i);
- i++;
- if(i==6)
- i=1;
- }
- }
- private void drawPolygon(int i) {
- switch(i) {
- case 1:
- beginShape();
- ..............................
- endShape();
- case 2:
- beginShape();
- ..................
- endShape();
- case 3:
- beginShape();
- ........
- case 4:
- beginShape();
- case 4:
- beginShape();
- ......
- endShape();
- case 5:
- beginShape();
- .............
- endShape();
- }