im using those 5 floats in my arduino program to interface my gyros with my accel.
even when i switch the input values, only two axes will work, not all 3 together. maybe there's something wrong with the algorithms in my arduino code? can u take a look cause i rly dont know :(
#define GXPinAmp 0 //4x
#define GYPinAmp 1 //4x
#define GZPinAmp 2 //4x
#define AXPin 4
#define AYPin 5
#define AZPin 3
// offsets are chip specific. int g_offxAmp = 400;
int g_offyAmp = 400;
int g_offzAmp = 375; //364
int a_offx = 631;
int a_offy = 383;
int a_offz = 764;
char str[512];
boolean firstSample = true;
float RwAcc[3]; //projection of normalized gravitation force vector on x/y/z axis, as measured by accelerometer
float Gyro_ds[3]; //Gyro readings
float RwGyro[3]; //Rw obtained from last estimated value and gyro movement
float Awz[3]; //angles between projection of R on XZ/YZ plane and Z axis (deg)
float RwEst[3]; //corrected output values from gyro data and previous estimates
int lastTime = 0;
int interval = 0;
float wGyro = 10.0; // w2/w1
void getAccelerometerData(int * result)
//raw acc data - offset
result[0] = (analogRead(AXPin) - a_offx); //X
result[1] = (analogRead(AYPin) - a_offy); //Y
result[2] = (analogRead(AZPin) - a_offz); //Z
void rawAccToG(int * raw, float * RwAcc)
//convert raw readings to g (9.8 m/s^2)
// Rx = AdcRx / Sensitivity
RwAcc[0] = ((float) raw[0]) / 300.0; //X
RwAcc[1] = ((float) raw[1]) / 300.0; //Y
RwAcc[2] = ((float) raw[2]) / 300.0; //Z
void getGyroscopeData(int * result)
//raw gyro data - offset
result[0] = (analogRead(GXPinAmp) - g_offxAmp); //X
result[1] = (analogRead(GYPinAmp) - g_offyAmp); //Y
result[2] = (analogRead(GZPinAmp) - g_offzAmp); //Z
void rawGyroToDegsec(int * raw, float * gyro_ds)
// convert raw readings to degrees/sec
// RateAxz = (AdcGyroXZ * Vref / 1023 - VzeroRate) / Sensitivity
gyro_ds[0] = (((float)raw[0] * 3.3) / 1023.0) / 0.00333;
gyro_ds[1] = (((float)raw[1] * 3.3) / 1023.0) / 0.00333;
gyro_ds[2] = (((float)raw[2] * 3.3) / 1023.0) / 0.00333;
void normalize3DVec(float * vector)
// Racc(normalized) = [RxAcc/|Racc| , RyAcc/|Racc| , RzAcc/|Racc|]
float R; // R = |Racc|
R = sqrt(vector[0]*vector[0] + vector[1]*vector[1] + vector[2]*vector[2]); //|Racc| = SQRT(RxAcc^2 +RyAcc^2 + RzAcc^2)
vector[0] /= R; // RxAcc/|Racc|
vector[1] /= R; // RyAcc/|Racc|
vector[2] /= R; // RzAcc/|Racc|
float squared(float x) //equation everytime "squared" is used
return x*x; // x^2
void getInclination()
int w = 0;
float tmpf = 0.0;
int currentTime;
int signRzGyro;
currentTime = millis();
interval = currentTime - lastTime;
lastTime = currentTime;
if (firstSample)
{ // the 'NaN' check is used to wait for good data from the Arduino
RwEst[w] = RwAcc[w]; //initialize with accelerometer readings
if(abs(RwEst[2]) < 0.1) //RwEst = Rz
//Rz is too small and because it is used as reference for computing Axz & Ayz, it's error fluctuations will amplify leading to bad results
//in this case skip the gyro data and use previous estimate
RwGyro[w] = RwEst[w]; //initialize with gyro readings
//get angles between projection of R on ZX/ZY plane and Z axis, based on last RwEst
tmpf = Gyro_ds[w]; //get current gyro rate in deg/s
tmpf *= interval / 1000.0f; //get angle change in deg
Awz[w] = atan2(RwEst[w],RwEst[2]) * 180 / PI; //get angle and convert to degrees; atan2 returns values between [-PI,PI]
Awz[w] += tmpf; //get updated angle according to gyro movement
//estimate sign of RzGyro
//RzGyro is positive if Axz is in range [-90,90] => cos(Awz) >= 0
signRzGyro = ( cos(Awz[0] * PI / 180) >=0 ) ? 1 : -1; //+1 when signRzGyro<=0; -1 when signRzGyro<0
//reverse calculation of RwGyro from Awz angles
RwGyro[0] = sin(Awz[0] * PI / 180); //RxGyro; sin(Axz(x)) in rad
RwGyro[0] /= sqrt( 1 + squared(cos(Awz[0] * PI / 180)) * squared(tan(Awz[1] * PI / 180)) ); // RxGyro/[(1+cos(Axz(x))^2]*[tan(Ayz(y))^2]
RwGyro[1] = sin(Awz[1] * PI / 180); //RyGyro; sin(Ayz(y)) in rad
RwGyro[1] /= sqrt( 1 + squared(cos(Awz[1] * PI / 180)) * squared(tan(Awz[0] * PI / 180)) ); //RyGyro/[(1+cos(Ayz(y))^2]*[tan(Axz(x))^2]
RwGyro[2] = signRzGyro * sqrt(1 - squared(RwGyro[0]) - squared(RwGyro[1])); //To find RzGyro
//combine Accelerometer and gyro readings
RwEst[w] = (RwAcc[w] + wGyro * RwGyro[w]) / (1 + wGyro); //to update estimated values
normalize3DVec(RwEst); //to normalize the above vector
firstSample = false;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //baud rate
analogReference(EXTERNAL); //AREF pin for reference voltage
pinMode (GXPinAmp, INPUT);
pinMode (GYPinAmp, INPUT);
pinMode (GZPinAmp, INPUT);
pinMode (AXPin, INPUT);
pinMode (AYPin, INPUT);
pinMode (AZPin, INPUT);
void loop()
int acc[3];
int gyro[3];
rawAccToG(acc, RwAcc);
rawGyroToDegsec(gyro, Gyro_ds);
serialPrintFloatArr(RwAcc, 3);
serialPrintFloatArr(Gyro_ds, 3);
serialPrintFloatArr(RwGyro, 3);
serialPrintFloatArr(Awz, 3);
serialPrintFloatArr(RwEst, 3);
void serialPrintFloatArr(float * arr, int length)
for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
//to display for serial monitor
void serialFloatPrint(float f) {
byte * b = (byte *) &f;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
byte b1 = (b[i] >> 4) & 0x0f;
byte b2 = (b[i] & 0x0f);
char c1 = (b1 < 10) ? ('0' + b1) : 'A' + b1 - 10;
char c2 = (b2 < 10) ? ('0' + b2) : 'A' + b2 - 10;