Problem trying to load an array of fonts
Programming Questions
1 years ago
I am trying to load an array of fonts so that I can work with them with the variable PFont font[j].
I am sure if the syntax is different with PFont arrays (or if we can do such a thing).
This is the syntax I am using (I'll be adding more fonts when I get it right). FYI, currently, I am getting a "maybe a missing semicolon?" error but if I take out the curly braces, I get a the method loadFont(String) is not applicatble for the arguments (String, String, String) error
PFont [] font=new PFont[3];
for (int j = 0; j < font.length; j ++ ) {
PFont [] font=loadFont({"VinerHandITC-48.vlw", "SegoeScript-Bold-48.vlw", "BradleyHandITC-48.vlw"});
I am sure if the syntax is different with PFont arrays (or if we can do such a thing).
This is the syntax I am using (I'll be adding more fonts when I get it right). FYI, currently, I am getting a "maybe a missing semicolon?" error but if I take out the curly braces, I get a the method loadFont(String) is not applicatble for the arguments (String, String, String) error
PFont [] font=new PFont[3];
for (int j = 0; j < font.length; j ++ ) {
PFont [] font=loadFont({"VinerHandITC-48.vlw", "SegoeScript-Bold-48.vlw", "BradleyHandITC-48.vlw"});