Hi there I'm trying to embed the following sketch onto my website.
I am adding "
To the head of the page
and then using
<canvas id="pi_vis" data-processing-sources="files/sphere_master_v3.pde" width="600" height="600"></canvas>
When I preview the sketch in browser directly from processing I have no problem viewing it. When I try to serve it as a webpage though it's just blank.
Can anyone offer some suggestions?
Sketch Code
import processing.opengl.*;
// Pi digits
String[] lines;
float ang = 0, ang2 = 0, ang3 = 0, ang4 = 0;
float px = 0, py = 0, pz = 0;
int renderCounter = 0;
//Define Sphere item size & Coordinates
float itemSize;
float radius = 100;
float theta = 0;
float phi = 0;
float thetaSpeed = PI/10;
float phiSpeed = PI/10;
int phiCounter;
Balls ba;
ArrayList items;
void setup()
//load pi digits from file
String lines[] = loadStrings("pinumbers.txt");
ballArray = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++)
// Increment phi once 20 balls have been placed
if (phiCounter == 20)
phi += phiSpeed;
phiCounter = 0;
// increment theta angle
theta += thetaSpeed;
phiCounter++; // counter for number of balls placed
// add balls items array
ballArray.add(new Balls(radius,theta,phi,lines[i]));
void draw()
// redraw background
// define rotation increments
px = sin(radians(ang3)) * 170;
py = cos(radians(ang3)) * 300;
pz = sin(radians(ang4)) * 500;
translate(width/2 + px, height/2 + py, -700+pz);
rotateX(sin(radians(ang2)) * 120);
rotateY(sin(radians(ang2)) * 50);
rotateZ(sin(radians(ang2)) * 65);
// increment angle
ang3 += 2.0;
camera (px, py, pz, 250, 250, 250, 0, 1, 0);
translate(height/2, width/2, height/2);
for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++)
Balls ba = (Balls) ballArray.get(i); // Pull ball from arraylist
ba.render(); // draw ball
// Define the balls class
class Balls
float radius ;
float theta ;
float phi ;
float itemSize ;
Balls(float r, float t, float p, float i)
radius = r;
theta = t;
phi = p;
itemSize = i;
// Rendering the balls
public void render()
//convert radial coords to cartesian
float x = cos(theta) * sin(phi) * radius;
float y = sin(theta) * sin(phi) * radius;
float z = cos(phi) * radius;
//Mark our 3d space
//Move to the position of this item
//Set the fill colour
fill(0, 165, 153);
//Draw a circle
//Go back to our position in 3d space