Processing Forum
After double clicking the processing.exe icon from the unzipped processing-2.0b3 file, I get the splash screen for about 2 seconds, it goes away, then nothing.

Following the directions from processing.org, I then launched from the command line with switches.  The log file contains:

CmdLine:    C:\Program Files\processing-2.0b3\processing.exe --l4j-debug
WOW64:        yes
Working dir:    C:\Program Files\processing-2.0b3\.
Bundled JRE:    java
Check launcher:    C:\Program Files\processing-2.0b3\java\bin\javaw.exe (OK)
Substitute:    EXEDIR = C:\Program Files\processing-2.0b3
Add classpath:    lib\pde.jar
Add classpath:    core\library\core.jar
Add classpath:    lib\jna.jar
Add classpath:    lib\ecj.jar
Add classpath:    lib\antlr.jar
Add classpath:    lib\ant.jar
Add classpath:    lib\ant-launcher.jar
Add classpath:    C:\Program Files\processing-2.0b3\java\lib\tools.jar
Launcher:    C:\Program Files\processing-2.0b3\java\bin\javaw.exe
Launcher args:    -classpath "lib;lib\pde.jar;core\library\core.jar;lib\jna.jar;lib\ecj.jar;lib\antlr.jar;lib\ant.jar;lib\ant-launcher.jar;C:\Program Files\processing-2.0b3\java\lib\tools.jar" processing.app.Base
Args length:    194/32768 chars
Exit code:    0

This is on a 64-bit Dell Latitude E6420 running Windows 7 Pro. 

I do not have a folder users/bbrown/Apps from which to delete preferences.  The processing folder is in C:\Program Files

java -version
java version "1.7.0_05"

And now what?


Shot in the dark: try to install (move) Processing to a folder without space, like C:\Java\processing-2.0b3 for example.
Thanks for taking a shot at it, PhiLho. My Java folder is inside of Program Files, so I moved the processing-2.0b3 folder to C:\processing-2.0b3. Same result, though of course the log file reflects the new path.  Any other ideas, anyone?

I do note that it about 30 minutes for the zip file to unzip, which I thought was weird.  I downloaded a fresh copy, same result that it took a long time to unzip and didn't work to execute.
Perhaps you left-clicked the download link in Internet Explorer. In past, it tried to unzip the archive on the fly or something like that.
Download the file with a right-click, Save the link as (or similar).
I downloaded it with Firefox and saved it.  Then rightclick "extract all" with Windows explorer at a rate of ~10kb/s.  Same result with processing 1.5.1.  With taskmgr, I see that javaw.exe *32 is running for about 1 second after I launch processing.exe.

Thanks, I got it running.  Versions 1.5.1 and 2.0b3 both run fine when unzipped using 7zip, which also extracted the files at 12MB/s instead of 10kb/s. 
One of the first things I do on a new Windows installation is to deactivate the built-in zip support after installing 7-Zip...