PONG Working Fine In Java Mode But Not In JavaScript Mode
Processing with Other Languages
3 months ago
Forgive the 600+ lines of code, but this thing is working perfectly in Java mode but isn't doing anything in Javascript mode and I fail to understand why!
UPDATE: Thanks to antony74, I know the bug and have corrected the code.
UPDATE: Thanks to antony74, I know the bug and have corrected the code.
- int MODE;
- MenuText back;
- /* @pjs font="Arial.ttf"; */
- PFont titleF;
- PFont menuItemF;
- String[] menuItemsNames={"START","INSTRUCTIONS","CREDITS","EXIT"}; //Creates the array that will be passed to the Menu class for forming individual MenuText objects.
- Menu menu;
- Paddle paddleLeft;
- Paddle paddleRight;
- Ball pongBall;
- Ball pongScreenBall;
- Ball pongCreditsBall;
- Score tpScore;
- Field field;
- void setup(){
- size(640,480);
- background(255);
- smooth();
- noStroke();
- titleF=createFont("Arial");
- menuItemF=createFont("Arial");
- menu=new Menu("PONG",menuItemsNames,titleF,menuItemF,0,255,color(183,152,50),0,color(50,155,61));
- back=new MenuText("BACK",menuItemF,width/2,height/1.5+100,24,color(255),color(183,152,50),color(0),color(50,155,61));
- paddleLeft=new Paddle(width/48,height/5,color(183,152,50),0);
- paddleRight=new Paddle(width/48,height/5,color(183,152,50),1);
- pongBall=new Ball(10,color(255),5);
- pongScreenBall=new Ball(10,color(255),4);
- pongCreditsBall=new Ball(10,color(255),10);
- tpScore=new Score(10,createFont("Arial"),32,0,255,0,40,height-40,width-40,height-40);
- field=new Field(color(255),color(50,155,61),color(255));
- MODE=0;
- }
- void draw(){
- background(50,155,61);
- if(MODE==0){
- pongScreenBall.update();
- pongScreenBall.render();
- pongScreenBall.wallCollision();
- menu.render();
- switch(menu.whichItem()){
- case 0:
- MODE=1;
- menu.passTo(menu.whichItem());
- break;
- case 1:
- MODE=2;
- menu.passTo(menu.whichItem());
- break;
- case 3:
- exit();
- break;
- case 2:
- MODE=3;
- menu.passTo(menu.whichItem());
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else if(MODE==1){
- field.render();
- tpScore.render();
- paddleLeft.render();
- paddleRight.render();
- paddleLeft.update();
- paddleRight.update();
- pongBall.wallCollision(paddleLeft);
- pongBall.paddleCollision(paddleLeft);
- pongBall.paddleCollision(paddleRight);
- pongBall.update();
- pongBall.render();
- if(pongBall.getSideHit()!=2){
- tpScore.update(pongBall.getSideHit());
- pongBall.setSideHit(2);
- pongBall.reset();
- pongBall.updateV(5);
- if(tpScore.hasMaxed()!=0){
- MODE=4;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(MODE==2){
- background(50,155,61);
- textFont(createFont("Arial"));
- textSize(75);
- fill(255);
- text("INSTRUCTIONS",width/2-textWidth("INSTRUCTIONS")/2,height/4);
- textFont(menuItemF);
- textSize(20);
- text("Welcome to Pong, a 2 Player, 2 Dimensional Tabble-Tennis Game",width/2-textWidth("Welcome to Pong, a 2 Player, 2 Dimensional Tabble-Tennis Game")/2,height/2-38);
- text("Press W and S to control the Left Paddle",width/2-textWidth("Press W and S to control the Left Paddle")/2,height/2-10);
- text("Press UP and DOWN to control the Right Paddle",width/2-textWidth("Press UP and DOWN to control the Right Paddle")/2,height/2+18);
- text("Winner decided when one player amasses 10 points",width/2-textWidth("Winner decided when one player amasses 10 points")/2,height/2+46);
- back.update();
- back.render();
- if(back.getClicked()){
- MODE=0;
- back.unClick();
- }
- }
- else if(MODE==4){
- pongScreenBall.update();
- pongScreenBall.render();
- pongScreenBall.wallCollision();
- background(50,155,61);
- textFont(titleF);
- textSize(95);
- fill(255);
- text("GAME OVER",width/2-textWidth("GAME OVER")/2,height/2-(104/3));
- textFont(createFont("Arial"));
- textSize(32);
- text("Player "+str(tpScore.hasMaxed())+" WON!",width/2-textWidth("Player "+str(tpScore.hasMaxed())+" WON!")/2,height/2+25);
- textFont(menuItemF);
- textSize(48);
- text("Thank You For Playing...",width/2-textWidth("Thank You For Playing...")/2,height/2+85);
- back.update();
- back.render();
- if(back.getClicked()){
- MODE=0;
- back.unClick();
- tpScore.reset();
- }
- }
- else if(MODE==3){
- background(50,155,61);
- pongCreditsBall.update();
- pongCreditsBall.render();
- pongCreditsBall.wallCollision();
- fill(255);
- textFont(createFont("Arial"));
- textSize(32);
- text("coded by",width/2-textWidth("coded by")/2,height/3);
- textFont(menuItemF);
- textSize(45);
- text("Le Shaun",width/2-textWidth("Le Shaun")/2,height/2);
- back.update();
- back.render();
- if(back.getClicked()){
- MODE=0;
- back.unClick();
- }
- }
- }
- void mouseClicked(){
- if(MODE==0){
- menu.passTo(mouseX,mouseY);
- }
- else if(MODE==3 || MODE==2 || MODE==4){
- back.mClicked(mouseX,mouseY);
- }
- }
- void keyReleased(){
- if(MODE==1){
- if(key==CODED){
- if(keyCode==UP){
- paddleRight.updateMve(0);
- }
- else if(keyCode==DOWN){
- paddleRight.updateMve(0);
- }
- }
- else{
- if(key=='W' || key=='w'){
- paddleLeft.updateMve(0);
- }
- else if(key=='S' || key=='s'){
- paddleLeft.updateMve(0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void keyPressed(){
- if(MODE==1){
- if(key==CODED){
- if(keyCode==UP){
- paddleRight.updateMve(-1);
- }
- else if(keyCode==DOWN){
- paddleRight.updateMve(1);
- }
- }
- else{
- if(key=='W' || key=='w'){
- paddleLeft.updateMve(-1);
- }
- else if(key=='S' || key=='s'){
- paddleLeft.updateMve(1);
- }
- }
- if(key=='p' || key=='P'){
- noLoop();
- }
- if(key=='r' || key=='R'){
- loop();
- }
- }
- }
- class Ball
- {
- float radius;
- float bX;
- float bY;
- float vBase;
- float vX;
- float vY;
- color bColor;
- int sideHit;
- Ball(float radius,color bColor,float vBase){
- this.radius=radius;
- this.bColor=bColor;
- this.vBase=vBase;
- bX=width/2;
- bY=height/2;
- float rnd=random(0,3);
- if(rnd<0){vX=-sqrt(sq(vBase)/2); vY=sqrt(sq(vBase)/2);}
- else if(rnd>=0 && rnd<1){vX=-sqrt((vBase*vBase)/2); vY=-sqrt(sq(vBase)/2);}
- else if(rnd>=1 && rnd<2){vX=sqrt(sq(vBase)/2); vY=sqrt(sq(vBase)/2);}
- else{vX=sqrt(sq(vBase)/2); vY=-sqrt(sq(vBase)/2);}
- sideHit=2;
- }
- void render(){
- stroke(0);
- fill(bColor);
- ellipse(bX,bY,radius*2,radius*2);
- }
- void update(){
- bX+=vX;
- bY+=vY;
- }
- void reset(){
- bX=width/2;
- bY=height/2;
- }
- void updateV(float V){
- vBase=V;
- }
- void accelerate(float V){
- vBase+=V;
- }
- int getSideHit(){
- return sideHit;
- }
- void setSideHit(int hit){
- sideHit=hit;
- }
- void wallCollision(Paddle p){
- if(bX>=(width-radius-p.getWidth()/2)){
- sideHit=1;
- }
- else if(bX<=radius+p.getWidth()/2){
- sideHit=0;
- }
- if(bY>=(height-radius) || bY<=radius){
- vY*=-1;
- }
- }
- void wallCollision(){
- if(bX>=(width-radius) || bX<=radius){
- vX*=-1;
- }
- if(bY>=(height-radius) || bY<=radius){
- vY*=-1;
- }
- }
- void paddleCollision(Paddle p){
- if(p.getOrient()==0){
- if(bY>=(p.getY()-p.getHeight()/2) && bY<=(p.getY()+p.getHeight()/2)){
- if((bX-radius)<=p.getWidth()){
- float varier=map(p.getY()-bY,0,p.getHeight()/2,0.1,1);
- vY=sqrt(sq(vBase)/2)*varier*-1;
- vX=sqrt(sq(vBase)/2)*sqrt(2-sq(varier))*(-1*(vX/abs(vX)));
- accelerate(0.2);
- println(vX+" "+vY+" "+" "+sqrt(sq(vBase)/2)+" "+varier);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(p.getOrient()==1){
- if(bY>=(p.getY()-p.getHeight()/2) && bY<=(p.getY()+p.getHeight()/2)){
- if((bX+radius)>=width-p.getWidth()){
- float varier=map(p.getY()-bY,0,p.getHeight()/2,0.1,1);
- vY=sqrt(sq(vBase)/2)*varier*-1;
- vX=sqrt(sq(vBase)/2)*sqrt(2-sq(varier))*(-1*(vX/abs(vX)));
- accelerate(0.2);
- println(vX+" "+vY+" "+sqrt(sq(vBase)/2)+" "+varier);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- class Field
- {
- color fEdge;
- color fFloor;
- color fNet;
- Field(color fEdge,color fFloor,color fNet){
- this.fEdge=fEdge;
- this.fFloor=fFloor;
- this.fNet=fNet;
- }
- void render(){
- rectMode(CENTER);
- fill(fFloor);
- noStroke();
- rect(width/2,height/2,width,height);
- noFill();
- stroke(fEdge);
- rect(width/2,height/2,width-10,height-10);
- stroke(fNet);
- for(int i=9;i<=height-10;i+=(height-10)/100){
- ellipse(width/2,i,1,1);
- }
- }
- }
- //Menu class uses the objects from the MenuText and forms a menu with a title and a list of MenuText objects.
- class Menu{
- String titleT;
- PFont titleF;
- PFont menuItem;
- color titleC;
- float spacer; //This is used to define the space between successive MenuText objects.
- float iniY=height/2.5;
- MenuText[] menuItems;
- Menu(String titleT,String[] menuItemsNames,PFont titleF,PFont menuItemF,color titleC,color menuItemC,color menuBackC,color itemHoverC,color backHoverC){
- this.titleT=titleT;
- this.titleF=titleF;
- this.titleC=titleC;
- menuItems=new MenuText[menuItemsNames.length]; //Initializes the MenuText objects depending on the array passed to it. This makes the menu system very flexible.
- spacer=48;
- for(int i=0;i<menuItemsNames.length;i++){
- menuItems[i]=new MenuText(menuItemsNames[i],menuItemF,width/2,iniY+(spacer*i),24,menuItemC,menuBackC,itemHoverC,backHoverC);
- }
- }
- void render(){
- textFont(titleF);
- textSize(92);
- fill(titleC);
- text(titleT,width/2-(textWidth(titleT)/2),height/3.8);
- for(int i=0;i<menuItems.length;i++){
- menuItems[i].update();
- menuItems[i].render();
- }
- }
- void passTo(float mX,float mY){ //This accepts the X,Y mouse coords when the mouse is clicked and passes it to the relevant MenuText object to check if the click occurs on that object.
- for(int i=0;i<menuItems.length;i++){
- menuItems[i].mClicked(mX,mY);
- }
- }
- void passTo(int item){
- menuItems[item].unClick();
- }
- int whichItem(){ //Checks each time if the clicked state of any MenuText object is true. If it is, returns the array position of the relevant object.
- for(int i=0;i<menuItems.length;i++){
- if(menuItems[i].getClicked()){
- return i;
- }
- }
- return menuItems.length;
- }
- }
- //MenuText holds the attributes and methods relating to each single item on the menu. Thus each item is treated as a separate object.
- //Each MenuText object comprises mainly of a foreground text and a background object.
- class MenuText{
- String menuItem;
- PFont menuFont;
- float itemX;
- float itemY;
- float itemSize;
- color itemColor;
- color backColor;
- color pressedColor;
- color pressedBack;
- color presentItem;
- color presentBack;
- float tWidth;
- boolean clicked=false; //This vairable is used to check the clicked state of the menu item. If the mouse is clicked over the menu item, this variable becomes true.
- MenuText(String menuItem,PFont menuFont,float itemX,float itemY,float itemSize,color itemColor,color backColor,color pressedColor,color pressedBack){
- this.menuItem=menuItem;
- this.menuFont=menuFont;
- this.itemX=itemX;
- this.itemY=itemY;
- this.itemSize=itemSize;
- this.itemColor=itemColor;
- this.backColor=backColor;
- this.pressedColor=pressedColor;
- this.pressedBack=pressedBack;
- }
- void render(){
- textFont(menuFont);
- textSize(itemSize);
- tWidth=textWidth(menuItem);
- stroke(0);
- fill(presentBack);
- rectMode(CENTER);
- rect(itemX,itemY,tWidth*1.3,itemSize*1.4,50);
- fill(presentItem);
- text(menuItem,itemX-tWidth/2,itemY+itemSize*.3);
- }
- void update(){ //Constatnly checks for the state of the object. If the mouse is over it a certain style is show and otherwise another style is shown.
- if(mouseX<(itemX+(tWidth*1.3)/2) && mouseX>(itemX-(tWidth*1.3)/2) && mouseY<(itemY+(itemSize*1.4)/2) && mouseY>(itemY-(itemSize*1.4)/2)){
- presentItem=pressedColor;
- presentBack=pressedBack;
- }
- else{
- presentItem=itemColor;
- presentBack=backColor;
- }
- }
- boolean getClicked(){ //Returns the clicked state of the object.
- return clicked;
- }
- void unClick(){
- clicked=false;
- }
- void mClicked(float mX,float mY){ //Changes the clicked state of the object depending on the position of the mouse as inputs.
- if(mX<(itemX+(tWidth*1.3)/2) && mX>(itemX-(tWidth*1.3)/2) && mY<(itemY+(itemSize*1.4)/2) && mY>(itemY-(itemSize*1.4)/2)){
- clicked=true;
- println(menuItem);
- }
- }
- }
- class Paddle {
- float pWidth;
- float pHeight;
- color pColor;
- float pX;
- float pY;
- float pV;
- int mve;
- int pOrient;
- Paddle(float pWidth, float pHeight, color pColor, int pOrient){
- this.pWidth=pWidth;
- this.pHeight=pHeight;
- this.pColor=pColor;
- this.pOrient=pOrient;
- if (pOrient==0) {
- this.pX=(pWidth/2);
- }
- else {
- this.pX=width-(pWidth/2);
- }
- this.pY=height/2;
- this.pV=7;
- this.mve=0;
- }
- //Le Getters
- int getOrient(){
- return pOrient;
- }
- float getX(){
- return pX;
- }
- float getY(){
- return pY;
- }
- float getDiag(){
- return (float)(sqrt(pWidth*pWidth-pHeight*pHeight));
- }
- float getWidth(){
- return pWidth;
- }
- float getHeight(){
- return pHeight;
- }
- //Le Rendered & Updater
- void render() {
- rectMode(CENTER);
- fill(pColor);
- stroke(0);
- rect(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight,pHeight/10);
- }
- void updateMve(int mve){
- this.mve=mve;
- }
- void update(){
- this.pY=constrain(this.pY+pV*mve, pHeight/2+10, height-(pHeight/2)-10);
- }
- }
- class Score{
- int p1;
- int p2;
- int maxScore;
- PFont pFont;
- int pSize;
- color pText;
- color pBack;
- color pStroke;
- float p1X;
- float p1Y;
- float p2X;
- float p2Y;
- Score(int maxScore,PFont pFont,int pSize,color pText,color pBack,color pStroke,float p1X,float p1Y,float p2X,float p2Y){
- p1=0;
- p2=0;
- this.maxScore=maxScore;
- this.pSize=pSize;
- this.pFont=pFont;
- this.pText=pText;
- this.pBack=pBack;
- this.pStroke=pStroke;
- this.p1X=p1X;
- this.p2X=p2X;
- this.p1Y=p1Y;
- this.p2Y=p2Y;
- }
- void render(){
- textFont(pFont);
- textSize(pSize);
- fill(pBack);
- stroke(pStroke);
- rectMode(CENTER);
- rect(p1X,p1Y,textWidth(str(p1))*1.3,pSize);
- rect(p2X,p2Y,textWidth(str(p2))*1.3,pSize);
- fill(pText);
- text(str(p1),p1X-(textWidth(str(p1))/2),p1Y+pSize*0.3);
- text(str(p2),p2X-(textWidth(str(p2))/2),p2Y+pSize*0.3);
- }
- void update(int p){
- if(p==0){
- p2+=1;
- }
- else if(p==1){
- p1+=1;
- }
- }
- void reset(){
- p1=0;
- p2=0;
- }
- int hasMaxed(){
- if(p1>=maxScore){
- return 1;
- }
- else if(p2>=maxScore){
- return 2;
- }
- else{
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }