Points leaving trail in 3D
Programming Questions
16 days ago
Hey guys I'm very new to processing, I just sketched some points moving in 3D I want them to leave a trail behind but I'm not sure how to code it.
I think this is the basic concept:
I need to get all PVector of the points moving then put them in Arraylist.
Then from the Array list of PVector I can loop to draw points.
Later on I want to use the points as a attractor to other agents.
This sounds easy but very hard as I only have limited amount of processing knowledge.
Someone please help!
Thanks in advance.
- import peasy.*;
- ArrayList agentCollection;
- PeasyCam KCam;
- Box box = new Box();
- PVector location;
- PVector speed;
- void setup(){
- size(600,600,P3D);
- smooth();
- KCam = new PeasyCam(this,800);
- agentCollection = new ArrayList();
- for(int i = 0; i < 20 ; i++){
- speed = new PVector(random(-1,1),random(-1,1),random(-1,1));
- agentCollection.add(new agent(speed));
- }
- }
- void draw(){
- background(255);
- box.display();
- for(int i = 0; i < agentCollection.size(); i++){
- agent thisagent = (agent) agentCollection.get(i);
- thisagent.run();
- }
- }
- class agent{
- //Global varaiables
- PVector location = new PVector();
- PVector speed;
- //constructor
- agent(PVector speed){
- this.speed = speed;
- }
- void run(){
- update();
- display();
- }
- void update(){
- location.add(speed);
- }
- void display(){
- stroke(0);
- strokeWeight(10);
- fill(0);
- point(location.x,location.y,location.z);
- }
- }
- class Box {
- int boxsize = 300;
- void display() {
- strokeWeight(1);
- stroke(0);
- noFill();
- box(boxsize);
- }
- }