it's strange, I've several PNG's ordered in same position except z-axe but i can only see the first one. this problem occurs only with openGL renderer. P3D works fine, except the performance is horribles
import processing.opengl.*;PImage img;PImage[] images = new PImage[13];float grad = 0;
void setup() {
size(506, 900, OPENGL);img = loadImage("samuellebowitz-01.png", "png");}
void draw() {println("frameRate: " + frameRate);background(255);for (int i = 1; i<14; i++) {pushMatrix();translate(width/2, height/2, i*-1000);imageMode(CENTER);rotateZ(radians(grad));grad +=0.01;image(img, 0, 0);popMatrix();}}
P3D Renderer shows the images well, but same sketch with opengl renderer not. this is the PNG File I've used: