Please help. getting crazy here...
Programming Questions
3 years ago
I have one simple question:
Why does the code below not work?
The problem is on line 26. But why, can't I read from tTime?
I tried everything; nsTimes.tTime, times[].tTime etc etc etc
What am I doing wrong?
I noticed that every time I walk into this same problem over and over again. I think I don't understand something what is very fundamental in processing. Can anyone help me out please? Great thanks!
- float ehvX;
- float ehvY;
- void setup() {
- size(1200,800);
- ehvX = width/2;
- ehvY = height/1.5;
- smooth();
- String[] nsTimes = loadStrings("n.csv");
- for (int i = 0; i < nsTimes.length; i++) {
- String times[] = split(nsTimes[i], ',');
- int dTime = int(times[0]);
- int dlTime = int(times[1]);
- String aStation = times[2];
- String trainType = times[3];
- int aTime = int(times[4]);
- int tTime = int(times[5]);
- }
- }
- void draw() {
- background(0);
- println(tTime);
- }