You might store your 22 airports as PVector, fine.
But they're not points in the Processing-Window: they are in first place points somewhere on the surface of the mesh which displays the earth-texture - so they are just points on the map of the earth.
As first you should normalize the XY- coordinates so they all have values from 0.0 to 1.0.
Therefore calculate the positions like that:
maybe Kennedy Airport is located at Pixel 25, 77 of your texture
the textures-size has a width of 400 and a height of 300 pixels.
Divide 25 by 400 and 77 by 300 to get values from 0.0 to 1.0,
now Kennedy Airport Pixel is around Position 0.0625, 0.2567,
store them in imaginary forum-variables: KAP.H and KAP.V
(I use H and V for horizontal/vertical to not mess them up with coordinates in world-space)
You have the corners of the mesh: those vertex-thingamagickies.
They lay somewhere in space at some X,Y and Z position. Don't care where exactly, but we know Kennedy Airport is located at 6.25% of the width and at 25.67% of the height.
The top left corner-vertex (TLC) of the earth-mesh represents H 0.0, V 0.0 the bottom right corner-vertex (BRC) represents H 1.0, V 1.0 of the maps image. Since mesh and texture are fortunately both rectangular we don't need to worry that much and can use a simple formula to create two vectors which point horizontal and vertical relative to the mesh surface:
HVector.X = TRC.X - TLC.X
HVector.Y = TRC.Y - TLC.Y
HVector.Z = TRC.Z - TLC.Z
VVector.X = BLC.X - TLC.X
VVector.Y = BLC.Y - TLC.Y
VVector.Z = BLC.Z - TLC.Z
Now we got the directions and length of the horizontal and vertical borders.
The position of the TLC (TopLeftCorner) we have also.
now find Kennedy-Airport locations map-coordinates on the mesh-surface like this:
X = TLC.X + HVector.X * KAP.H + VVector.X * KAP.V
Y = TLC.Y + HVector.Y * KAP.H + VVector.Y * KAP.V
Z = TLC.Z + HVector.Z * KAP.H + VVector.Z * KAP.V
Result (X,Y,Z) is the position of Kennedy-Airport as on the untransformed and unrotated earth-mesh.
If you use a matrix to rotate the earth-mesh now, draw Kennedy Airport whithin that rotation-block (before calling popMatrix or pushing another one in) or use the same rotation and translation values as for the earth-mesh. If you use some scaling-methods onto the mesh you'll have to scale HVector and VVector by the same value.
If you're done with Kennedy Airport go on to LAX