Processing Forum
Hi all !
I noticed a weird thing:
I have an image player displaying PImage. when the image is half displayed, the framerate is about 60 fps.
When the image is full-displayed at the center of the screen, the framerate is about 40 fps !!
I would like to understand why ? wouldn't it be possible to have a stable (60fps ;-) ) framerate ?
here's a code which demonstrates the thing:
Copy code
  1. PImage img;
    float pos;
    void setup()
      size(1280, 800);
      img = loadImage("http://blabla-mic-lola.com/images/page_perso/gd_blabla_10.jpg");
      pos = width;
    void draw()
      if (pos <-500) pos = width;
      image(img, pos, 0, 500, height);


thanks in advance !!


The more pixels you need to display, the slower the sketch is, seems logical, even more at the size you aim.