I'm experiencing what appears to be memory issues when setting my sketch up on a vastly superior machine to the one I wrote it on.
I wondered if anyone could shed any light on why this may be?
The specific error is:
- Waited 5000ms for <510dc2, 15e3dc4>[count 2, qsz o, owner <AWT-EventQueue-0>] - <Animation Thread>
- void setup() {
- size(1280, 960, OPENGL);
- String timestamp = year() + nf(month(),2) + nf(day(),2) + "-" + nf(hour(),2) + nf(minute(),2) + nf(second(),2);
- context = new SimpleOpenNI( this );
- context.setMirror(true);
- // if playback flag set, check for (and open) file
- if(playback) {
- if ( context.openFileRecording(filename) == false) {
- println("can't find recording !!!!");
- exit();
- } else {
- println("This file has " + context.framesPlayer() + " frames.");
- }
- // else, check for, and enable depth camera
- } else {
- if( context.enableDepth() == false ) {
- println("Can't open the depthMap, maybe the camera is not connected!");
- exit();
- return;
- } else {
- // simultaneous recording and playback
- if(recording) {
- context.enableRecorder(SimpleOpenNI.RECORD_MEDIUM_FILE, timestamp+".oni");
- context.addNodeToRecording(SimpleOpenNI.NODE_DEPTH, SimpleOpenNI.CODEC_16Z_EMB_TABLES);
- }
- }
- }
- reScale = (float) width / kinectWidth;
- scale(reScale);
- createColourScheme(baseHue, range, strategy);
- resFactor = resolutions[1];
- drawMode = modes[0];
- strokeCap(SQUARE);
- // initialise the OSC controls
- if(OSC) {
- setupOSC();
- mouseXFactor = xyPad[1].x;
- mouseYFactor = xyPad[1].y;
- trailFactor = (int) map(fader[1], 0, 1, 255, 0);
- }
- prepareExitHandler();
- scale( (float)resFactor/10 );
- }
setup either loads an oni file (these are pretty big, 1-2Gb), or initialises the kinect.
I'd like to be able to fix it, but more importantly understand what could be affecting the performance of the faster computer... cheers!