particles emitting from one side of the screen(left), and moving to the other side(right) ??
Programming Questions
3 years ago
I would like to create an array of particles, that emit from the left of the screen and move to the right, colored blue as determined by mouse Y position
( R, G held constant) and the size determined by mouse X position.
I came up with the following ideas:
I can use a two 1-dimensional arrays to store the particle locations. The array index (i, j) will indicated a single particle. At each call of draw(), each visible particle is moved in the specified direction by a small amount and drawn there. Also, new particle(s) are created. Once a particle flows off the opposite edge, it can be re-used.
and based on the question, my constraints for the design are:
- Particles size range between 8 pixels and 128 pixels.
- The particles must continuously flow.
So I need your guidance and help in this matter :) thanks!