Hi fellows,
Currently working on a project which has a very short assigment, i need some advices from that community.
Basically, we have to build an interactive application which will be displayed trough two projectors at 2048x768.
The application have to grab data from a database (SQL), and generate a particle system which has a physical behavior.
We are currently using the verlet behavior from the toxiclibs. Each particle match a database entry and has is own behavior.
Some users can filter the particles (removing some from the screen) using devices sending OSC message.
Once filtered, if someone click on a particle the screen have to display all the database data from the matching entry.
The application will send OSC data to another computer using a software that will generate sound in realtime too.
Actually the amount of entry is around 450 but it can grow.
- Should we load entry from the database in another thread than the main animation thread ?
- Should we load all the database entry then display the particle system or load each step by step ?
- Should we do the same about OSC (make it works in it own thread ) ?
- Actually the FPS is around 50 displaying the particle with basic OpenGL square. I know it's not easy to help without seeing the code but i have to clean it up. What would be more efficient display list, vertex array or vertex buffer object or GLSL ?
- The verlet library is using an ArrayList, if we store the particles in Array does that makes any speed improvement ? (When particles get selected we just remove the ones that don't match from the screen but not from the array so that isn't any memory reallocation).
Many thanks for your help.
The short assignment just make us confuse as we don't have the time to design it properly first.