Processing Forum

I'm writing a desktop application with GUI framework, based on AWT, called Apache Pivot. Because I can not add directly PApplet to the Pane (apache pivot container) i have to put it in a AWT container, which is the highest in the hierarchy - HostWindow (AWT Window.class). 
I have the following problem: when I want to add a side toolboxes or open the menu all these elements appear behind PApplet (which is always on the top).
I would like to know whether there is a ability to place PApplet behind everything (something like toBack() method in frame) or set some z-order.
Another option is to use transparency, however, I did not find any opportunities to change PApplet`s opacity.

I will appreciate any kind of help and please forgive my poor english.


Hey, did you have any further luck with this? I'm looking at Pivot as an alternative to ControlP5 for more complex applications. A way to integrate a Processing panel in a Pivot app would be great.
No, we didn`t find solution. 
You can only integrate it, if you don`t need to interact with it.
Hmm, that's unfortunate. There are plenty of situations where something like Pivot would be useful, ControlP5 doesn't handle display of lots of text or lists of items with checkboxes.

Did you try launching two separate windows? Since Pivot's Application is an interface it might be possible to have the class implement Application while extending PApplet, getting the best of both worlds but in separate windows.
It's a very interesting idea, thank you
This obviously leads to various problems such as the resize windows, etc.. But if someone wants to combine both of these technologies, it would be able to probably.
Unfortunately I will not get a chance to test it, I finished, some time ago, work on this application.

It would be a less than optimal solution, obviously. But it might still be useful given how poorly Processing and currently available libraries support complex layouts and typographic control. ControlP5 is a great library, but it was never intended to be a full GUI replacement for Pivot or Swing.

I have experimented with embedded HTML rendering in the past ( http://workshop.evolutionzone.com/2008/09/06/multiple-jdic-browsers-in-processing-sketch/), but the libraries involved aren't very stable.