OSCP5 NETP5 sending messages from supercollder to processing
Contributed Library Questions
11 months ago
i am sending message to processing from supercollider
n=NetAddr("", 12000);
n.sendMsg("/sc1",10, "line", [200.0,0.1].choose);
and both variables in processing stretch and moveX is reacting to it
what i don't get is how do you make say
n.sendMsg("/stretch",10, "line", [200.0,0.1].choose);
and make only variable stretch react to this message
n.sendMsg("/moveX",10, "line", 400.0.rand);
and make only variable moveX react to this message
in other words how do one links the messages from sc and variables in processing?
here's my processing example http://pastebin.com/AjBE6zuk
can somebody please help?
thank you
best, k.
n=NetAddr("", 12000);
n.sendMsg("/sc1",10, "line", [200.0,0.1].choose);
and both variables in processing stretch and moveX is reacting to it
what i don't get is how do you make say
n.sendMsg("/stretch",10, "line", [200.0,0.1].choose);
and make only variable stretch react to this message
n.sendMsg("/moveX",10, "line", 400.0.rand);
and make only variable moveX react to this message
in other words how do one links the messages from sc and variables in processing?
here's my processing example http://pastebin.com/AjBE6zuk
can somebody please help?
thank you
best, k.