"Orbits", a Generative Music app for Android!
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2 years ago
Hey everyone. After about two weeks fiddling around with the SDK I've finally rolled out my first Android app created with Processing. It's a generative music app based on some particle interactions and physical forces, with multitouch support.
You can get it here!
It's a beta version but so far it seems to work great on a lot of devices (it hasn't crashed violently yet on anything), but if you discover a bug please feel free to post about it. You can read the usage instructions on the market page, but basically you can create a particle by holding a finger down, and drag to set it's launch direction, and when you release it goes in that direction. All the particles attract/chase each other, and when they collide they play notes based on a repeating electronic chord sequence. It's the first version, but I'm going to update it regularly with more features until I decide to call it a full version.
Also, I'd like to thank all the people on the forum, because the stuff I learned here was invaluable, and I finally managed to move on today and start compiling Processing stuff for Android in eclipse, and also got libpd working which was a bit of a party-time moment for me.
So cheers!
You can get it here!
It's a beta version but so far it seems to work great on a lot of devices (it hasn't crashed violently yet on anything), but if you discover a bug please feel free to post about it. You can read the usage instructions on the market page, but basically you can create a particle by holding a finger down, and drag to set it's launch direction, and when you release it goes in that direction. All the particles attract/chase each other, and when they collide they play notes based on a repeating electronic chord sequence. It's the first version, but I'm going to update it regularly with more features until I decide to call it a full version.
Also, I'd like to thank all the people on the forum, because the stuff I learned here was invaluable, and I finally managed to move on today and start compiling Processing stuff for Android in eclipse, and also got libpd working which was a bit of a party-time moment for me.