Optimising Code: NES 8Bit Colour Converter
Core Library Questions
2 years ago
Hello! I put together a sketch that converts images (still or a video feed) into the NES palette, and it seems to work quite well if a little slow. I was just wondering if any of you know of any tricks of speeding up my code so it runs more efficiently? Obviously there's a lot of calculations going on currently: I'm sampling the colour of every
nth pixel and drawing the closest colour from the NES palette to a rect(). Obviously the less frequently I sample, the faster the sketch runs - but that in turn means the rect() are drawn larger and thus the appearance of a much lower resolution. Also - I might be missing an error/doing something idiotic without realising but in my sketch but the frameRate seems to decrease gradually the longer the sketch runs. Any ideas?
Here's the code:
(The color palette can be got from http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Games/Hacking/Wiki/index.php?title=NES_Palette#Decimal )
Here's the code:
(The color palette can be got from http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Games/Hacking/Wiki/index.php?title=NES_Palette#Decimal )
- //HendersonSix 2011
- //Nes Colour Palette Test with Video Input
- import processing.video.*;
- String[] palette; //string array to load the palette.txt file
- PVector[] colors = new PVector[256]; //256 colors in the palette file
- float d; //variable to store the distance between the NES color and the sampled color
- Capture video;
- int res=6; //sets the increment value in the for loops
- float mindist = 256; //set minimum dist to maximum
- color nes; //the color eventually drawn to the screen
- void setup(){
- size(480, 360);
- video = new Capture(this, width, height);
- palette = loadStrings("NesPalette.txt"); //text file with RGB values
- //divide each line from the .txt file into R, G, and B values
- for(int i=0; i<palette.length; i++){
- String[] cols = split(palette[i], ',');
- if(cols.length == 3){
- colors[i] = new PVector(int(cols[0]), int(cols[1]), int(cols[2]));
- }
- }
- noStroke();
- }
- void draw(){
- if(video.available()){
- video.read();
- //loop through the video input
- for(int x=0; x<video.width; x+=res){
- for(int y=0; y<video.height; y+=res){
- color currColor = video.get(x, y);
- //isolate the R, G, and B channels
- int rval = (currColor >> 16) & 0xFF;
- int gval = (currColor >> 8) & 0xFF;
- int bval = currColor & 0xFF;
- //store them in a pvector
- PVector curr = new PVector(rval, gval, bval);
- mindist = 256; //reset minimum distance variable to maximum
- //get the distance between the current sampled color and the nes color palette using the brute force method
- for(int i=0; i<palette.length; i++){
- d = colors[i].dist(curr);
- if(d < mindist){
- mindist = d; //if there is a new lowest distance, set mindist accordingly
- nes = color(colors[i].x, colors[i].y, colors[i].z);
- fill(nes); //fill rect with the color from the nes palette
- rect(x, y, res, res);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void keyPressed(){
- if(key==32){
- save(frameCount+".jpg");
- println("saved! "+frameCount);
- }
- }