OpenCV eye tracking.
Contributed Library Questions
1 year ago
Hi all. I'm completely new to Processing, but I need to make the following: I want Processing (or better said, OpenCV) to import video from the webcam input, then recognize the eyes of a face (and after that, I want an image to be placed over the eyes, but that's for later).
So, I tried downloading OpenCV, which came with some examples, of which I thought the "Face Recognition" example was the closest to what I want.
This is what I have now (pretty much just the code from the example). The face recognition works fine.
Now, I also found
this topic, saying there already is a pre-made cascade to recognize eyes, which could be found
here. So I downloaded the "" file, unzipped it and place it on the Resources folder of my OpenCV (as told in the topic). However, I'm stuck from that point. I can't figure out how to switch from the face recognition cascade to the eye recognition cascade. I'm also not sure if I still need something to properly install it (edit the file?).
Anyone who could help me with this (probably simple to solve) problem?