If you're just drawing at the origin in world-space you can just draw the lines, but here's a way to draw it in screen space on top of everything else you've drawn, including labels... This uses the peasycam library:
import peasy.*;
PeasyCam cam;
PFont axisLabelFont;
PVector axisXHud;
PVector axisYHud;
PVector axisZHud;
PVector axisOrgHud;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
void setup()
size( 640, 480, P3D );
cam = new PeasyCam(this, 100);
axisLabelFont = createFont( "Arial", 14 );
axisXHud = new PVector();
axisYHud = new PVector();
axisZHud = new PVector();
axisOrgHud = new PVector();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
void draw()
box( 10,10,10 );
drawAxis( 2 );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
void calculateAxis( float length )
// Store the screen positions for the X, Y, Z and origin
axisXHud.set( screenX(length,0,0), screenY(length,0,0), 0 );
axisYHud.set( screenX(0,length,0), screenY(0,length,0), 0 );
axisZHud.set( screenX(0,0,length), screenY(0,0,length), 0 );
axisOrgHud.set( screenX(0,0,0), screenY(0,0,0), 0 );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
void drawAxis( float weight )
pushStyle(); // Store the current style information
strokeWeight( weight ); // Line width
stroke( 255, 0, 0 ); // X axis color (Red)
line( axisOrgHud.x, axisOrgHud.y, axisXHud.x, axisXHud.y );
stroke( 0, 255, 0 );
line( axisOrgHud.x, axisOrgHud.y, axisYHud.x, axisYHud.y );
stroke( 0, 0, 255 );
line( axisOrgHud.x, axisOrgHud.y, axisZHud.x, axisZHud.y );
fill(255); // Text color
textFont( axisLabelFont ); // Set the text font
text( "X", axisXHud.x, axisXHud.y );
text( "Y", axisYHud.x, axisYHud.y );
text( "Z", axisZHud.x, axisZHud.y );
popStyle(); // Recall the previously stored style information
Hope it helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. =)