You're getting mixed up. Either you have three values that are global, or you have a thing that has three values, and each thing you make has its own three values.
I think what you want is this:
Thing t1, t2, t3;
void setup() {
t1 = new Thing(1, 2, 3);
t2 = new Thing(4, 5, 6);
t3 = new Thing(7, 8, 9);
void draw() {
Class Thing {
float val1, val2, val3; // Each thing has its own three values.
Thing(float tempValue1, float tempValue2, float tempValue3) {
val1 = tempValue1;
val2 = tempValue2;
val3 = tempValue3;
void drawThing() {
point(val1, 10); // point() takes an x and y position!
point(val2, 20);
point(val3, 30);
void mouseClicked(){
println( "t1.val1: " + t1.val1 ); // Notice that you can access these directly anyway!
println( "t1.val2: " + t1.val2 ); // This is because class's data is Processing is public anyway.
println( "t1.val3: " + t1.val3 ); // This is poor OO programming, yes,
println( "t2.val1: " + t2.val1 ); // And you could write getVal1(), getVal2(), getVal3()
println( "t2.val2: " + t2.val2 ); // member functions if you liked!
println( "t2.val3: " + t2.val3 ); // That would be the best way.
println( "t3.val1: " + t3.val1 );
println( "t3.val2: " + t3.val2 );
println( "t3.val3: " + t3.val3 );