Processing Forum

No Scroll Bars in PDE

in Integration and Hardware  •  7 months ago  
I'm using Processing 2 beta 8 with Kubuntu 12.04 but also have the same issue with standard Ubuntu 12.04. Basically the PDE does not have visible scroll bars see below image
So basically if I want to scroll through a sketch doc I got to click on the arrows at the top and bottom, and I can also click the scroll bar area which will make the page jump up or down. The problem is that it takes a really long time to find the code blocks I'm looking for because it's not possible to skim read through a doc using either one of these methods.
I know that you can also use a mouse wheel to scroll through a doc, but I don't use a mouse as I use a touch pad instead.
Does this have something to do with Unity, and is there a fix?


Most likely a unity issue, no such problems with ArchLinux with a fluxbox desktop.
Hmm, I guess I'll open a thread at Ubuntu forums. strange cause I also have this problem with KDE and Xfce given they are not window managers like fluxbox and just desktop enviros of which I thought Unity would fall into the same category with it being a shell for Gnome. mmmm go figure??
Strange scrollbars also working for me kubuntu kde desktop (kdm as display manager), and xfce on Archlinux (using slim as display manager).
yikes, i might have a more serious prob than i thought :(
thanks for the reply monkstone. i opened a thread at ubuntuforums and will post back here if i get any joy.