New IjeomaMotion release
Library and Tool Development
3 years ago
Ive been making a lot of changes to my animation library which was first called tween, then motionlib and now ijeomamotion but I havent been posting them because I wanted to get the PhysicsTween done but havent had time so last night I uploaded IjeomaMotion 3.1.0!
Animation library for timeline/keyframe based tweens and more:
The biggest changes were
added Motion.setup(PApplet _parent)" which must be called before using the library.
removed the PApplet _parent parameter from every Tween, TweenParallel, TweenSequence, Timeline constructors
renamed TweenGroup to TweenParallel
added shorter Tween, TweenParallel, TweenSequence, Timeline constructors which have the String _name parameter
added EVERY and ONCE delay modes constants for controlling delays when repeating
added new examples and rewrote the old examples to make them shorter and less complex.
The other changes can be seen via the examples and documentation at
Animation library for timeline/keyframe based tweens and more: