Processing Forum
We're moving off this platform to a new home on Wednesday night. The URL for the forum ( http://forum.processing.org) will remain the same, but it will point to the new software. This will be the 3rd time we've rebooted the Processing Forum, previously for the Beta and 1.0 releases. Be believe this is good in the long term, but often difficult at the start. Like with the previous three forums, the current forum will be archived so the discussions and knowledge is not lost. So, hopefully we'll see you in the new software soon. Thanks for Philippe and Florian for making this transition happen. We've put a strong effort into making the new forum great; we hope you enjoy it.


If you'd like to know more, please see the original post from PhiLho here:  https://forum.processing.org/topic/a-new-forum
Any idea what the URL for the locked copy of this forum will be?
Yes, we will keep the forum.processing.org domain but the Zoho will move into a subdirectory called "one", so:


That's great news!

Greetings, Chrisir        

The idea is to archive the forums like this:

http://forum.processing.org/alpha  // Alpha forum, YaBB
http://forum.processing.org/beta  // Beta forum, YaBB
http://forum.processing.org/one  // 1.0+ forum, Zoho Discussions
http://forum.processing.org/two  // 2.0+ forum, Vanilla
OK, this forum is officially closed now. The URL http://forum.processing.org will now be set to redirect to the new software.