Need some help with a guessing-game type of applet!
I am writing an applet (a type of guessing game) that could collect responses over the net. The buttons do not work properly, I also have trouble with loops, as well as can not figure out how to store user input data. I would appreciate any help that you could give me some hints how to fix these issues or improve this code.
i) See my semi working code here. 2) Program flowchart here.
In summary, the applet generates a vector of random numbers between 0 and 1 and using those numbers draws a few geographical shapes on the screen that resemble a face (Chernoff Faces). The program asks the user to guess whether the face is "good" or "bad", based on values that are mapped into geographical shapes. The user has to either ACCEPT or REJECT the shown face and indicate their level of confidence about this decision. After answering the user receives feedback whether the decision was correct or not, the points are awarded for correct assessments and points are taken away if the assessment is incorrect. There are many rounds of this game, and the goal is to be able to improve ability to assess faces.
My major concern are the loops, the "Next" (face) button (to restart the loop). I have trouble in storing and recording the data, thus, I really appreciate your comments regarding any of these issues
- final int sizeW = 600;
- final int sizeH = 600;
- final int lineSpace = 30;
- final int numberOfRandomValues = 20;
- int frameRateSet = 30;
- // FONT global
- static final int fontSmall = 14; // SMALL text size
- static final int fontMedium = 20; // MEDIUM text size
- static final int fontLarge = 50; // LARGE text size
- PFont yFont; // Arial Narrow 14 pt
- // COLOR global
- final color[] c = new color[41];
- final color[] colorBW = {
- color(204), color(255), color(0)
- };
- final int decisionValueUnit = 1;
- final int acceptBadValue = -decisionValueUnit;
- final int acceptGoodValue = decisionValueUnit;
- final int rejectBadValue = decisionValueUnit;
- final int rejectGoodValue = -decisionValueUnit;
- int decisionValue = 0;
- float[] weights = new float[numberOfRandomValues];
- float [] faceValue = new float[100];
- float eWeights = 0.05;
- float sumFaceValue;
- String msgFaceFeedback;
- String msgGoodFeedback = "Good Face";
- String msgBadFeedback = "Bad Face";
- int faceWorth;
- boolean goodFace;
- boolean badFace;
- String msgErrorFeedback = "Error 158 occured!";
- String msgDecision;
- // RANDOM VARIABLES for drawing chernoff face
- float[] p = new float[numberOfRandomValues];
- float[] rx = new float[numberOfRandomValues];
- float[] ry = new float[numberOfRandomValues];
- // PHASE
- int switchPhaseMain = 1; //2=game
- int switchExperimentState = 1; //1=face,2=feedback
- int switchFaceCase = 0; // bad=0, good=1
- int round = 1;
- int numberOfRounds = 10;
- boolean experimentOver;
- boolean pause;
- boolean faceOnSmall;
- boolean faceOnLarge;
- // SCORE
- int pointsTotal = 0;
- int [] points = new int[numberOfRounds];
- int [] trials = new int[numberOfRounds];
- int [] pointsEarned = new int[numberOfRounds];
- // BUTTON: requires button class (button names)
- Button btnBack;
- Button btnReject;
- Button btnAccept;
- Button btnInstructNext;
- Button btnNextFace;
- Button btnInstructBack;
- Button btnInstructStart;
- Button btnFinish;
- Button btnPause;
- Button btnUnPause;
- String btnBackLabel = "Go Back";
- String btnRejectLabel = "Reject";
- String btnAcceptLabel = "Accept";
- String btnIntructNextLabel = "Next";
- String btnNextFaceLabel = "Next";
- String btnIntructBackLabel = "Go Back";
- String btnIntructStartLabel = "Start";
- String btnFinishLabel = "Finish";
- String btnPauseLabel = "Pause";
- String btnUnPauseLabel = "Unpause";
- int btnMargin = 500;
- int btnTextPadding = 20;
- int btnX = 30;
- int btnY = btnMargin;
- int btnWidth = 150;
- int btnHeight = 50;
- int btnXspace = 30;
- int btnYspace = 10;
- int btn1X = btnX;
- int btn1Y = btnY;
- int btn2X = btn1X+btnWidth+btnXspace;
- int btn2Y = btnY;
- int btn3X = btn2X+btnWidth+btnXspace;
- int btn3Y = btnY;
- int btnPauseX = 510;
- int btnPauseY = 10;
- int btnPauseW = btnWidth/2;
- int btnPauseH = btnHeight/2;
- // SETUP
- void setup() {
- size(sizeW, sizeH);
- smooth();
- frameRate(frameRateSet);
- println("setup");
- // COLOR (in void setup)
- c[0] = color(#f4b264);
- c[1] = color(#bee5e4);
- c[2] = color(#fe022b);
- c[3] = color(#082f56);
- c[4] = color(#f8f3d6);
- c[5] = color(#fceea7);
- c[6] = color(#ff7101);
- c[7] = color(#f1d7ca);
- c[8] = color(#ffafc3);
- c[9] = color(#abe6e2);
- c[10] = color(#e2e8ce);
- c[11] = color(#ffcb00);
- c[12] = color(#aae354);
- c[13] = color(#ddb0b7);
- c[14] = color(#d2e6b5);
- c[15] = color(#77a3be);
- c[16] = color(#005c9d);
- c[17] = color(#bb3325);
- c[18] = color(#fdd4e2);
- c[19] = color(#0dbbde);
- c[20] = color(#643324);
- c[21] = color(#99e1d3);
- c[22] = color(#ff92a9);
- c[23] = color(#a7bbba);
- c[24] = color(#d0e099);
- c[25] = color(#00b14b);
- c[26] = color(#0376b9);
- c[27] = color(#fedf2d);
- c[28] = color(#fbd362);
- c[29] = color(#fe5900);
- c[30] = color(#4fb900);
- c[31] = color(#fdd4e2);
- c[32] = color(#ddb0b7);
- c[33] = color(#a9998a);
- c[34] = color(#77a3be);
- c[35] = color(#bdb0b7);
- c[36] = color(#778C85);
- c[37] = color(#F2E6D0);
- c[38] = color(#395059);
- c[39] = color(#8C1B2F);
- c[40] = color(#B5BFAA);
- // FONT
- yFont = createFont("Arial", fontSmall, true);
- textAlign (CENTER, CENTER);
- // BUTTONS (requires Button class)
- btnBack = new Button(btnBackLabel, btn1X, btn1Y, btnWidth, btnHeight, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnReject = new Button(btnRejectLabel, btn2X, btn2Y, btnWidth, btnHeight, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnAccept = new Button(btnAcceptLabel, btn3X, btn3Y, btnWidth, btnHeight, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnInstructNext = new Button(btnIntructNextLabel, btn3X, btn3Y, btnWidth, btnHeight, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnNextFace = new Button(btnIntructNextLabel, btn3X, btn3Y, btnWidth, btnHeight, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnInstructBack = new Button(btnIntructBackLabel, btn2X, btn2Y, btnWidth, btnHeight, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnInstructStart = new Button(btnIntructStartLabel, btn3X, btn3Y, btnWidth, btnHeight, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnFinish = new Button(btnFinishLabel, btn3X, btn3Y, btnWidth, btnHeight, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnPause = new Button(btnPauseLabel, btnPauseX, btnPauseY, btnPauseW, btnPauseH, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- btnUnPause = new Button(btnUnPauseLabel, btnPauseX, btnPauseY, btnPauseW, btnPauseH, colorBW[0], colorBW[1], colorBW[2]);
- }
- // DRAW
- void draw() {
- smooth();
- // PHASE
- switch (switchPhaseMain) {
- case 1:
- screenInstructions();
- manageButtons();
- break;
- case 2:
- screenInstructions();
- manageButtons();
- faceOnLarge=true;
- break;
- case 3:
- if (faceOnLarge==true) {
- chernoffDraw(round);
- pointsEarned[round]=decisionValue;
- points[round] = points[round]+pointsEarned[round];
- trials[round] = trials[round]+1;
- }
- manageButtons();
- break;
- case 4:
- screenInstructions();
- manageButtons();
- break;
- case 5:
- screenInstructions();
- manageButtons();
- break;
- default:
- text ("Error 158 unknown phase: " + switchPhaseMain, width/2, height/4);
- println ("Error 158 unknown phase: " + switchPhaseMain);
- exit();
- }
- }
- void mousePressed() {
- switch(switchPhaseMain) {
- case 1:
- if ( {
- switchPhaseMain++;
- println("Next Button Pressed: 1st Phase of experiment is: " +switchPhaseMain);// TEMPORARY
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if ( {
- println("Back Button Pressed: 2st Phase of experiment is: " +switchPhaseMain);// TEMPORARY
- switchPhaseMain--;
- }
- if ( {
- println("Start Button Pressed: 2st Phase of experiment is: " +switchPhaseMain);// TEMPORARY
- switchPhaseMain++;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- if ( {
- if (goodFace == true) {
- msgFaceFeedback = msgGoodFeedback;
- decisionValue = rejectGoodValue;
- msgDecision = "wrongly rejected";
- }
- else if (goodFace == false) {
- msgFaceFeedback = msgBadFeedback;
- decisionValue = rejectBadValue;
- msgDecision = "correctly rejected";
- }
- pointsEarned[round]=decisionValue;
- println("Reject Pressed: 0 State moved to (3): "+switchExperimentState+". Round: "+round+". Decision value is :" + decisionValue);// TEMPORARY
- points[round] = points[round]+pointsEarned[round];
- trials[round] = trials[round]+1;
- manageButtons();
- }
- else if ( {
- switch (switchFaceCase) {
- case 0:
- msgFaceFeedback = msgGoodFeedback;
- decisionValue = acceptGoodValue;
- msgDecision = "correctly accepted";
- break;
- case 1:
- msgFaceFeedback = msgBadFeedback;
- decisionValue = acceptBadValue;
- msgDecision = "wrongly accepted";
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- pointsEarned[round]=decisionValue;
- points[round] = points[round]+pointsEarned[round];
- trials[round] = trials[round]+1;
- println("Accept Pressed: 0 state moved to (2): "+switchExperimentState+". Round: "+round+". Decision value is :" + decisionValue);
- if (faceWorth!=0) {
- switchExperimentState=2;
- }
- introNextFaceRound(round);
- manageButtons();
- //break;
- }
- else if ( {
- println("Next Button Pressed: 2nd Phase of experiment is: " +switchPhaseMain);// TEMPORARY
- //faceOnSmall=true;
- manageButtons();
- faceOnLarge=true;
- }
- println("Mouse Pressed: We are still in the CHERNOFF FACE (3rd) switchPhaseMain: " +switchPhaseMain);// TEMPORARY
- break;
- case 4:
- println("Mouse Pressed: 4th Phase of experiment is: " +switchPhaseMain);// TEMPORARY
- if ( {
- switchPhaseMain++;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- println("Mouse Pressed: 5th Phase of experiment is: " +switchPhaseMain); // TEMPORARY
- switchPhaseMain = 0;
- break;
- default:
- text ("Error 158 unknown phase: " + switchPhaseMain, width/2, height/4+lineSpace);
- println ("Mouse Pressed: Error 158 unknown state " + switchPhaseMain);
- break;
- } //switch
- } //mouse pressed
- int activate(float sumFaceValue) {
- if (sumFaceValue > 0.5) {
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- float[] getWeights() {
- return weights;
- }
- void chernoffDraw(int rn) {
- round = rn;
- faceWorth=0;
- chernoff(numberOfRandomValues);
- faceValue[round] = sumFaceValue;
- showScore(round);
- faceOnLarge =false;
- faceWorth = activate(sumFaceValue);
- if ((sumFaceValue>=0.5) && (sumFaceValue<=1)) {
- switchFaceCase = 0; // good face
- msgFaceFeedback = msgGoodFeedback;
- goodFace = true;
- badFace = false;
- println("This was a "+msgFaceFeedback+". You shoudl accept it!"); //TEMPORARY
- }
- else if ((sumFaceValue< 0.5) && (sumFaceValue<=0)) {
- switchFaceCase = 1; // bad state
- msgFaceFeedback = msgBadFeedback;
- goodFace = false;
- badFace = true;
- println("This was a "+msgFaceFeedback+". You shoudl reject it!"); //TEMPORARY
- }
- else if ((sumFaceValue<0) || (sumFaceValue>1)) {
- msgFaceFeedback = msgErrorFeedback ;
- println(msgErrorFeedback);
- text(msgFaceFeedback, width/2, height/4);
- ;
- }
- //}
- println("Experiment round: "+round+ ". "+msgFaceFeedback+" real value is: "+ faceValue[round]); //TEMPORARY
- }
- void chernoff(int n) {
- background(c[36]);
- smooth();
- float[] weights = new float[n];
- sumFaceValue=0;
- for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRandomValues; i++) {
- p[i] = random(0, 1); //p is a vector of random values
- weights[i] = eWeights;
- println(p[i]);
- sumFaceValue+=p[i]*weights[i];
- println("trial ["+i+"] weight is: "+weights[i]+". Random value is: " + p[i]+ ". Average Sum is: "+sumFaceValue);
- }
- pushMatrix();
- color eggHeadColor=color(215);
- color faceColor = color(235);
- color eyeColor = color(255);
- translate(width/2, height/2);
- int x=0;
- int y=0;
- float scale10=10;
- // egg head
- Egg egg_head;
- float egg_head_base=250;
- float egg_head_var=50;
- int headX=0;
- int headY=-height/5;
- float tilt_head=PI;
- float eggHeadSize= egg_head_base+egg_head_var*p[12];
- egg_head = new Egg(headX, headY, tilt_head, eggHeadSize, eggHeadColor);
- egg_head.display();
- // head
- int head_bottom_displace=6;
- float topX = scale10*(10+p[1]*16); //top width
- float topY = scale10*(16+p[2]*8); //top height
- float botX = scale10*(12+p[3]*16); //bottom width
- float botY = scale10*(12+p[4]*8); //bottom height
- fill(faceColor);
- noStroke();
- ellipse (x, y, topX, topY);
- ellipse (x, y+head_bottom_displace*scale10, botX, botY);
- // eyes
- float eyeX = scale10*(4+p[7]*4); //float eyeX = random(40, 80);
- float eyeY = scale10*(2+p[8]*2); //float eyeY = random(20, 40);
- float eye_spacing =4;
- stroke(4);
- fill(eyeColor);
- strokeWeight(4);
- ellipse (x-eye_spacing*scale10, y, eyeX, eyeY);
- ellipse (x+eye_spacing*scale10, y, eyeX, eyeY);
- // pupils
- int mini_pupils=8;
- int enlarge_pupils=12;
- strokeWeight(mini_pupils+p[9]*enlarge_pupils);
- point(x-eye_spacing*scale10, y);
- point(x+eye_spacing*scale10, y);
- // mouth
- float mouth = scale10*(-4+p[5]*8); // float mouth = random(-40, 40);
- strokeWeight(4);
- beginShape();
- noFill();
- int mouth_displace=6;
- int mouth_bottom=8;
- curveVertex(x-mouth_displace*scale10, y+mouth_bottom*scale10);
- curveVertex(x-mouth_displace*scale10, y+mouth_bottom*scale10);
- curveVertex(x, y+(mouth_bottom*scale10+mouth));
- curveVertex(x+mouth_displace*scale10, y+mouth_bottom*scale10);
- curveVertex(x+mouth_displace*scale10, y+mouth_bottom*scale10);
- endShape();
- // nose
- float noY = scale10*(2.5+p[5]*4); //float noY = random(20, 60);
- float noX = scale10*(2+p[6]*4); //float noX = random(20, 60);
- float nol = 2*scale10;
- strokeWeight(4);
- beginShape();
- vertex(x, y+nol);
- vertex(x-noX, y+noY);
- vertex(x+noX, y+noY);
- endShape(CLOSE);
- // brows
- float br_displace=2; // float brY1 = random(20, 80);
- float br_length=6; //float brY2 = random(20, 80);
- float brY1 = scale10*(br_displace+p[10]*br_length);
- float brY2 = scale10*(br_displace+p[11]*br_length);
- line(x-br_displace*scale10, y-brY1, x-br_length*scale10, y-brY2);
- line(x+br_displace*scale10, y-brY1, x+br_length*scale10, y-brY2);
- popMatrix();
- faceOnSmall = false;
- }
- ===
- class Egg {
- float eggX, eggY; // X-coordinate, y-coordinate
- float eggTilt; // Left and right angle offset
- float eggAngle; // Used to define the tilt
- float eggHeightScalar; // Height of the egg
- color eggColor= color(255) ;
- // Constructor
- Egg(int xPos, int yPos, float t, float s, color eC) {
- eggX = xPos;
- eggY = yPos;
- eggTilt = t;
- eggColor = eC;
- eggHeightScalar = s / 100.0;
- }
- void wobble() {
- eggTilt = cos(eggAngle) / 8;
- eggAngle += 0.1;
- }
- void display() {
- noStroke();
- fill(eggColor);
- pushMatrix(); //
- translate(eggX, eggY);
- rotate(eggTilt);
- scale(eggHeightScalar);
- beginShape();
- vertex(0, -100);
- bezierVertex(25, -100, 40, -65, 40, -40);
- bezierVertex(40, -15, 25, 0, 0, 0);
- bezierVertex(-25, 0, -40, -15, -40, -40);
- bezierVertex(-40, -65, -25, -100, 0, -100);
- endShape();
- popMatrix();
- }
- }
- // Screen Instructions & Feedback Text
- void screenInstructions() {
- background(c[36]);
- textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
- fill(0);
- switch (switchPhaseMain) {
- case 1:
- text("CHERNOFF FACES", width/2, height/4);
- text("In this game consider faces.", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*2);
- text("You will have to learn to accept good faces and reject bad ones.", width/2, height/4+3*lineSpace);
- text("Remember that faces are composed of geometrical figures", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*4);
- text("that are generated to visualize complex quantitative data.", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*5);
- text("How to play? Click "+btnIntructNextLabel+" button to read more...", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*8);
- break;
- case 2:
- text("HOW TO PLAY", width/2, height/4);
- text("At the begining you will start with "+pointsTotal+" points.", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*2);
- text("For each correct assesment you will receive bonus points,", width/2, height/4+3*lineSpace);
- text("and for each wrong assesment you will lose the points.", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*4);
- text("You will have an opportunity to evaluate "+numberOfRounds+" projects", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*5);
- text("and receive feedback on your decisions & learning progress.", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*6);
- text("Click "+btnIntructStartLabel+" button to play!", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*8);
- break;
- // INSTRUCTION END phase = 4 & 5
- case 4:
- for (int i =0; i<3; i++) {
- pointsTotal=+points[i];
- } //Move to setup or draw?
- String msgEndThanks = "Thank you for completing the experiment!";
- String msgPointsFinal = "In all sets you earned total of " +pointsTotal+ " points";
- String msgClickToStartOver = "Click to start over ";
- text(msgEndThanks, width/2, height/4);
- text(msgPointsFinal, width/2, height/4+lineSpace*2);
- text(msgClickToStartOver, width/2, height/4+lineSpace*3);
- break;
- case 5:
- text ("You are done!", width/2, height/4);
- text("Thank you for participating in our experiment!", width/2, height/4+lineSpace*2);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // introNextFaceRound switchExperimentState = 1
- void introNextFaceRound (int chernoffRound) {
- background(c[36]);
- textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
- fill(0);
- String msgEndSet1 = "In round " +round+" you " +msgDecision+" the " +msgFaceFeedback+"!";
- String msgEndSet2 = "and earned " +decisionValue+ " points.";
- String msgEndSet3 = "In total, your earned " +points[chernoffRound]+"!";
- String msgEndSet4 = "After " +trials[chernoffRound]+ " trial(s) you have total of " +(numberOfRounds-trials[chernoffRound])+" left";
- String msgEndSet5 = "Click "+btnNextFaceLabel+" button to continue making choices. Next round is number " + (chernoffRound+1) + ".";
- String msgEndSet6 = "Click "+btnFinishLabel+" button to finish.";
- text(msgEndSet1, width/2, height/4+lineSpace*1);
- text(msgEndSet2, width/2, height/4+lineSpace*2);
- text(msgEndSet3, width/2, height/4+lineSpace*3);
- text(msgEndSet4, width/2, height/4+lineSpace*4);
- if (round>numberOfRounds) {
- text(msgEndSet5, width/2, height/4+lineSpace*5);
- }
- if (round==numberOfRounds) {
- text(msgEndSet6, width/2, height/4+lineSpace*5);
- }
- }
- //.................................................
- //.................................................
- void showScore(int chernoffRound) {
- textAlign(LEFT);
- String msgScore1 = "The value of your past decision is: " + decisionValue;
- String msgScore2 = "Total points earned: " + points[chernoffRound];
- String msgScore3 = "Trials remaining: " + (numberOfRounds-trials[chernoffRound]);
- //String msgScore4 = "Total of wrong answers: "; // to be done
- //String msgScore5 = "Total of right answers: "; // to be done
- String msgScore6 = "Please evaluate the following project and make a decision:";
- text(msgScore1, width/10, height/11 +lineSpace/2*1);
- text(msgScore2, width/10, height/11+lineSpace/2*2);
- text(msgScore3, width/10, height/11+lineSpace/2*3);
- //text(msgScore4, width/10, height/11+lineSpace/2*4); //to finish later
- //text(msgScore5, width/10, height/11+lineSpace/2*5); // to finish later
- text(msgScore6, width/10, height/11+lineSpace/2*6);
- }
- // BUTTON: Update & Dispaly (Requires Button class)
- void manageButtons() {
- switch (switchPhaseMain) {
- case 1:
- btnInstructNext.update();
- btnInstructNext.display();
- break;
- case 2:
- btnInstructBack.update();
- btnInstructBack.display();
- btnInstructStart.update();
- btnInstructStart.display();
- break;
- case 3:
- switch (switchExperimentState) {
- case 1: //stateFace = 1;
- btnReject.update();
- btnReject.display();
- btnAccept.update();
- btnAccept.display();
- btnPause.update();
- btnPause.display();
- break;
- case 2: // = 2;
- btnNextFace.update();
- btnNextFace.display();
- btnPause.update();
- btnPause.display();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- btnFinish.update();
- btnFinish.display();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // BUTTON: Mouse Release (Requires Button class)
- void mouseReleased() {
- btnBack.release();
- btnReject.release();
- btnAccept.release();
- btnInstructNext.release();
- btnNextFace.release();
- btnInstructBack.release();
- btnInstructStart.release();
- btnFinish.release();
- btnPause.release();
- btnUnPause.release();
- }
- ===
- ===
- class Button {
- int bx, by; // The x- and y-coordinates
- int sizeX, sizeY; // Dimension (width and height)
- color btnBaseColor; // Default gray value
- color btnOverColor; // Value when mouse is over the button
- color btnPressColor; // Value when mouse is over and pressed
- color btnTextColor; /// button text color
- boolean over = false; // True when the mouse is over
- boolean pressed = false; // True when the mouse is over and pressed
- String btnLabel;
- //sizeX=textWidth(btnLabel); // Can be turned off
- Button(String btnLabel, int bx, int by, int sizeX, int sizeY, color btnBaseColor, color btnOverColor, color btnPressColor) {
- this.btnLabel = btnLabel;
- this.bx = bx;
- = by;
- this.sizeX = sizeX;
- this.sizeY = sizeY;
- this.btnBaseColor = btnBaseColor;
- this.btnOverColor = btnOverColor;
- this.btnPressColor = btnPressColor;
- }
- void update() {
- if ((mouseX >= bx) && (mouseX <= bx+sizeX) &&
- (mouseY >= by) && (mouseY <= by+sizeY)) {
- over = true;
- }
- else {
- over = false;
- }
- }
- boolean press() {
- if (over == true) {
- pressed = true;
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- void release() {
- pressed = false;
- }
- void display() {
- if (pressed == true) {
- fill(btnPressColor);
- }
- else if (over == true) {
- fill(btnOverColor);
- }
- else {
- fill(btnBaseColor);
- }
- stroke(255);
- strokeWeight(1);
- rect(bx, by, sizeX, sizeY);
- // rect(bx, by, textWidth(btnLabel), sizeY); flexible with of the button
- fill(0);
- textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
- text(btnLabel, bx+sizeX/2, by+sizeY/2);
- }
- }
The applet has the following sequence:
Instructions (page 1)
Instructions (page 2)
Start Guessing Game:
STAGE 1 (100 loops):
State 1:
Generate a vector of random numbers (e.g. 11 numbers from 0 to 1).
Attach equal weights to each random number and compute the mean value of these random numbers.
Draw geographical figures that use these numbers in a special way that would resemble a face.
Ask user to "accept" or "reject" this face.
State 2:
Show decision feedback (score) to the user. The score is computed as follows:
If mean value of random numbers is more X (e.g.0.5), then it is a "good" face.
If mean value of random numbers is less that X (e.g.0.5) then it is a "bad" face.
If user accepts a "good" face or rejects a "bad" face, he made a good decision, and gains 1 point.
If user accepts a "bad" face or rejects a "good" face, he made a poor decision, and loses 1 point.
STAGE 2 (100 loops):
The weights should change assigning 0.9 and 0.1 weights to the first too values, and 0 weights to the remaining values.
Repeat State 1 and State 2 for additional 100 rounds.
NOTE: Record the random values, weights, mean values, and responses of the users for both rounds.
Finish the game by giving performance summary.