The idea of the project is to make a hardware/software ship control system, which consists of a number of buttons switches + some software triggers of various types.
The buttons basically provide information, for a mathematical/software of a ship. I have already tried this concept with a smaller ship (fighter) and it works fine.
Now I am trying to do something bigger, like a corvette. One of the big differences is that a corvette is controlled by a number of people, say 3, and each of them has his own statistics screen (navigation, power control, captain).
The problem is that some of the parameters, say, energy, influence several screens.
For example, if a prop officer decreases power output, then, the navigator won.t be able to increase the speed of the ship.
Now, if I try to do this inside one program, that.s ok. But then, the prop officer must have his own screen, and the navigator his. And they should be able to control their screens - separately.
To the questions:
- is there a way to establish communication between two processing sketches?
- if there is a better work around to my problem