Hi this seems lke it should be a really easy piece of code but im a bit stuck.
I am wanting to be rendering PImage which is a greyscale .png and is a circle and the use the tint to colour 1 of 6 variations.
I got this working fine but when they overlay its nt quite right for me. Taking the png into photoshop - colouring with my 5 colours and layering up using MULTIPLY i get a nice darker tone when several layer up ( as is what MULTIPLY does i know)
So i how can i do this with processing ?
It seems blend is for blending between 2 PIages but my PImage is for a particle system involving 200 copies. Should i maybe have the blend function between the PImage and some other PImage which is the size of the screen ?
I tried using just ellipses and rendering rgb values with transparency and the colour is right but the overlay blend isnt
I have been coding processing for over 2 years now but not had to do this before and ive made my own particle (PVector) class system with updates etc but cant seem to figure this out.
Also - i was using GLGraphics in teh same sketch as i was testing something out but im going to not use it anymore i think - could this rendering be interfering with my colours
Ill post some code up if needs be but ideally i need to see if it can be done just if someone can show me the code to render three ellipses on the screen overlapping to look lke the multiple effect
I found some openGL hack code but could only seem to see additive blend ?
GL gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).gl;
// additive blending
gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE);
// disable depth test