Processing Forum

Sorry if this has been bashed to death, couldn't find an answer through searching...

I'm on Mac OS 10.7.2, and have lots of mission critical stuff working in Processing 1.x. I'm now wondering if I can install 2 without fear of messing up my prior installation. I.e., can I run both on the same machine?

Thanks very much!


I run both stable versions -> 1.5.1 & 2.0 at the same time!
Just have them in separate folders.

Be aware they share same configuration (preferences.txt) though!
If you are using libraries, you may have compatibility problems.  Also, because they share the same configuration, they will both use the same sketchbook folder.  There is a GitHub issue requesting that they be kept separate...
thanks very much for the responses!...I am wanting to keep both versions precisely because there are as yet unported libraries that I depend on, while at the same time, I'd like to start exploring all the new possibilities.

The GitHub link is illuminating as well--I for one would love to see separate pref files, though I understand that this can introduce issue as well...