Multi dimensional data visualization process
Using Processing, I developed a new multi dimensional data visualization process for the visualization of variable generator (wind mills) interconnected to Bonneville Power Administration’s Balancing Authority Area. The DOE is seeking a patent on the process and now that BPA has finally issued its press release I wanted to share the work with the processing community.
The process brings together real time telemetry data with maps. The data being collected from wind mills is used to draw object on the map. As the data changed the objects change in an obvious way.
Here is a link to BPA’s press release and video of the process. I gave Processing credit in the video and helping me communicate my vision. a heads up to you hot shot programmers, there is a HUGE need for updated Situational Awareness displays. Air traffic controllers, pipeline operators, electrical grid operator, power plant operators, fleet logistics are all using 30 year old technologies for real time data visualization. I spent a year looking for a vendor that could sell me something new and fresh. In the end I had to develop it myself.