Processing Forum
Does anyone understand the MovieMaker tool in Processing 2.0a4 as functional? I don't. Not happy that the MovieMaker class was removed. I use it in all my sketches to export Quicktime.

I've been emailing with someone telling me we're moving to gstreamer because Apple isn't supporting Quicktime for Java anymore. Could there have been a way to think about that on a separate track without killing off MovieMaker in the meantime? http://processing.org/reference/libraries/video/MovieMaker.html 

I really appreciate all the hard work that goes into the Processing language. 

MovieMaker class, I will visit your grave once a week with fresh flowers 4EVAH. 


Of course, you can still run your old sketches with a previous version of Processing. As long as you have QuickTime for Java working, of course...
You're right. Might be best..
Too much coffee!