Processing Forum
Whats the best way to create a movie with the sunflowapiapi renderer?


I don't think there is simple answer, here is an  idea I had to reduce the total number of frames sunflow rendered, which did not seem to make the animation too jerky when rendered on vimeo. My advice is to start off small.

Hi monkstone, after a 24 hour render session I've got about 1200 pics, but I cant figure out how to use mencoder to stitch them together. Can you explain how you got it work.
The article http://electron.mit.edu/~gsteele/ffmpeg/ among others, describes how to do it.
Sorry I probably should have also given you this link as well, but I'm not 100% sure about my config file. Anyway PhiLho's link should do the job. I can't use quicktime on linux so I don't know about the cedrickiefer solution (mencoder is quite quick though). 
The frame size should have been 640x480, but that was my first attempt at producing a video   for vimeo so I'm no expert.
there are several tools for windows and probably some for mac as well.
but what about quickly writing a processing sketch to do so.
Do you need more than, important the frames one after another and add them to a quicktime frame by frame ?
hmm didnt test it. but shouldnt that be enough? only change screensize, and naming to fit your images
Copy code
  1. import processing.video.*;
    int frameNum = 1200;
    PImage img;
    MovieMaker mm;  // Declare MovieMaker object

    void setup() {
      size(800, 600);
      mm = new MovieMaker(this, width, height, "drawing.mov",
                           30, MovieMaker.H263, MovieMaker.HIGH);

    void draw() {
     img = loadImage(frameCount+".jpg") // change to make it fit your file naming
      mm.addFrame();  // Add window's pixels to movie

    if (frameCount=frameNum){