Millis() out of time
Core Library Questions
7 months ago
Hey guys I'm currently working on a sketch that uses FFT's and to make the background flicker different colours and to make a circular frequency "bar" thingy bounce in time with the music. What I'm having trouble with though is using millis().
I have a number of "if" functions so that at a 1:48 minutes into the program the frequency circle appears and then at 1:59 and 2:22 the alpha of the frequency circle increases. These changes are timed to beats and other things happening in the music but they keep happening too early (and not just by a few milliseconds either). Can anyone help?
I have a number of "if" functions so that at a 1:48 minutes into the program the frequency circle appears and then at 1:59 and 2:22 the alpha of the frequency circle increases. These changes are timed to beats and other things happening in the music but they keep happening too early (and not just by a few milliseconds either). Can anyone help?
- import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
AudioPlayer player, player1;
Minim minim;
FFT fft;
int timeSize = 1024;
int sampleRate = 44100;
int bufferSize = 512;
int fftSize = floor(bufferSize*.5f)+1;
float ai = TWO_PI/fftSize;
float aj = TWO_PI/fftSize;
int mins;
int mins2;
int value;
int value2;
int value3;
int value4;
int value5;
int value6;
int time;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P3D);
colorMode(HSB, fftSize, 10, 10);
minim = new Minim(this);
player = minim.loadFile("intro.mp3");;
fft=new FFT(player.bufferSize(), player.sampleRate());
//fft=new FFT(player1.bufferSize(), player1.sampleRate());
void draw() {
value = upDownCounter(255, 1);
value2 = upDownCounter(255, 5);
value3 = upDownCounter(255, 8);
value4 = upDownCounter(255, 13);
value5 = upDownCounter(225, 20);
value6 = upDownCounter(255, 10);
mins = millis()/100;
mins2 = millis()/1000;
time = millis();
for (int i = 0; i < fftSize; i++) {
float band = fft.getBand(i);
float band2 = fft.getBand(i);
background(value2*(band), value3*(band), value4*(band));
for (int j = 0; j < fftSize; j++) {
float band3 = fft.getBand(j);
float band4 = fft.getBand(j);
if(time > 133200){
fill(j, 150+100*(band3), 100, value);
arc(200, 200, 100+band3 * (j+1)/8, 100+band3 * (j+1)/8, aj*j, aj*(j+1));
}else if(time > 95400){
fill(j, 150+100*(band3), 100, value2);
arc(200, 200, 100+band3 * (j+1)/8, 100+band3 * (j+1)/8, aj*j, aj*(j+1));
}else if(time > 88800){
fill(j, 150+100*(band3), 100, value6);
arc(200, 200, 100+band3 * (j+1)/8, 100+band3 * (j+1)/8, aj*j, aj*(j+1));
}else {
int upDownCounter(int maxValue, int factor) {
int doubleMaxValue = 2*maxValue;
int fcd = (frameCount/factor)%doubleMaxValue;
return (fcd<maxValue)?fcd:doubleMaxValue-fcd; // this line is also important!
void stop()