Processing Forum

Mesh Grids Research

in General Discussion  •  Other  •  5 months ago  
i'm doing a resaerch for school about the influence of generative in today visual comunication. now 'im working on the influence on illustators!
an (i don't give names) illustrator presented this images.
 now i'm asking to the forum the script to obtain these two types of images.
is just to show to the class differences to obtain the same image.
thanks a lot!


- Moved to General Discussion because you don't give any code.
- Changed case of subject, because we don't like people to yell...
- And, well, I don't understand at all what your request is about...
exusme for the wrong position of the ask.
exusme for yellin and my english too but i'm italian :)

i need a code or a good resolution image done wift processing to show it in a resarch for the class.
i'll citate the creator of the image of course, i don't want to steal pde's or similar (i've not personal interest in this kind...)
i just need to print in a good resolution two images more similar as possible to the two i posted for a comparison between
processing and illustration results.
so did anyone have some images?
some links?

thank you philho for disponibility and organization.

maybe you can try Toxiclibs examples...