mesh (delaunay) with hole
Contributed Library Questions
2 years ago
i'm using the mesh library by lee byron
(although i'm open to another mesh library, whether it be toxi's, hemesh, or whatever)
what i'm trying to do is build a mesh that has a hole in it. essentially i'm creating a series of points that form a circle (the outer edges of the mesh) then creating a shape in the middle (triangle) and then populating it with random points. however when i create the delanay mesh all of the points are connected.
so how do i create a mesh that only connects the points in the space between the middle shape (triangle) and the outer shape (circle). i don't want any lines or points to be in the middle? probably not a delanay mesh? or is it multiple delanay meshes?
any help/insight would be much appreciated.
here's some code (don't judge me... haha)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //libraries
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import megamu.mesh.*;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Delaunay del;
- float[][] delEdges;
- PVector[] tri = new PVector[3]; //middle shape (hole)
- ArrayList coord = new ArrayList(); //more flexible adding of points
- float res;
- int rand;
- float rad;
- void setup() {
- size(400,400);
- res = 36;
- rand = 10;
- rad = 100;
- createPoints();
- }
- void draw() {
- background(0);
- noFill();
- translate(width/2,height/2);
- //------------------------------------
- //facets
- //------------------------------------
- stroke(255,0,255);
- beginShape(LINES);
- //is there a way to use TRIANGLE_STRIP or QUAD_STRIP?
- //maybe even extract faces?
- for(int i=0; i<delEdges.length; i++) {
- float x1 = delEdges[i][0];
- float y1 = delEdges[i][1];
- float x2 = delEdges[i][2];
- float y2 = delEdges[i][3];
- vertex( x1,y1 );
- vertex( x2,y2 );
- }
- endShape(CLOSE);
- //------------------------------------
- //triangle
- //------------------------------------
- //just to see the triangle middle form
- stroke(0,255,255);
- triangle( tri[0].x, tri[0].y,
- tri[1].x, tri[1].y,
- tri[2].x, tri[2].y );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //methods
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void createPoints() {
- coord.clear();
- //create triangle points
- //keeps them at the front of mt coords array
- //should the be seperate?
- int index = 0;
- for(int i=0; i<360; i+=360/tri.length) {
- float x = cos( radians(i) ) * rad * 0.61;
- float y = sin( radians(i) ) * rad * 0.61;
- tri[index] = new PVector(x,y);
- coord.add( tri[index].array() );
- index++;
- }
- //create points for circle
- for(int i=0; i<360/res; i++) {
- float x = cos( radians(i*res) ) * rad;
- float y = sin( radians(i*res) ) * rad;
- coord.add( new float[]{x,y} );
- }
- //create the random points
- //not sure how to exclude from the middle form
- for(int i=0; i<rand; i++) {
- float x = random( -cos( radians(i*res) ), cos( radians(i*res) ) ) * rad;
- float y = random( -sin( radians(i*res) ), sin( radians(i*res) ) ) * rad;
- coord.add( new float[]{x,y} );
- }
- del = new Delaunay( getFloatArray(coord) );
- delEdges = del.getEdges();
- }
- float[][] getFloatArray(ArrayList a) {
- float[][] floatArray = new float[a.size()][3];
- for(int i=0; i<a.size(); i++) {
- float[] temp = (float[]) a.get(i);
- floatArray[i] = temp;
- }
- return floatArray;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //interactvitiy
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void mousePressed() {
- createPoints();
- }