Processing Forum

I failed to download these two libraries provided by http://www.processing.org/reference/libraries/.

The two links openCV:http://ubaa.net/shared/processing/opencv/ and Face Detect (PC):http://searchignited.com/?dn=bryanchung.net&pid=1PO8G3V7O are not available at all.

Thank you very much.




I can open the OpenCV link without problem, perhaps there was a temporary server hipcup.
The second link is all wrong, it should be http://www.bryanchung.net/?page_id=251
Looks like the site is down, and you are redirected to a search site.

For such request, the Wayback Machine might help.

I tried again and couldn't access every link. I am in china mainland.

Who can help to send to a copy to me ? Or else provide with a mirror link ?

Thank yoiu very much.