Processing Forum

Mars Globe with Nasa rovers

in Share your Work  •  1 year ago  
Update Mars Rovers v0.1:

The application can be run without having processing installed and textures of mars can be changed by pressing the keys 1 to 4.

The app for Win32 Macosx Linux can be downloaded here.

Thanks for the developpment support and hints!

If you like you can let me know if there are troubles on the mac or linux, I can only check on a older machine with bad graphic card and seems to have difficulties with the texture 3 and 4.


To put the current landing of the Mars Science laboratory lander in a visual world, this quick sketch can show you the position of the Nasa mars rovers including the Curiosity lander at it's touch-down location in the Gale-Crater which is just south of the equator at the coordinates 5° 24′ S, 137° 48′ O. The lander touched down on early morning on the 6st of August after an quite daring landing sequence using a crane powered by retrorockets deposited the lander on the surface while hovering at a couple of meters above the mars surface.

The sketch was based on the sphere with texture example by
Mike 'Flux' Chang (cleaned up by Aaron Koblin). Based on code by Toxi , without which it would have been a lot of work.
Credits are also going to the mars maps by Nasa, JPL and it's MGS and MSO.

There are a couple other graphics in the sketch folder to apply according to the texture you would like to have:

- marsGeo.jpg
- marsMap.jpg
- marsTopographic.jpg
- marswClouds.jpg
- marsGaleCrater.jpg

The topographic map for example is very informative on the overall surface natur of the planet.



Nice sketch - it would be good if the texture used could be changed at run time for instance use the keys 1-5 to select a texture image.