MapThing v1.1 Released
Library and Tool Development
1 year ago
I've updated MapThing with some useful features that will make it easier to project and present data:
1. You can now easily specify the name and value fields for use in labelling and colouring/sizing.
2. You can now colour code polygons, lines, and points using the value field and coloured according to a scale (you will need to manually specify the min and max values for the mapping, I'm afraid... for now)
3. You can now scale the size of points according to the value (you specify the desired radius for your expected maximum value)
4. You can now specify an offset for the labels
5. You can extract centroids from polygons (tested) and lines (not tested, but should work)
The demo should give you a sense of all the new features and there's always the included documentation (or the same is available online at
Library is available for download at