Looking for better motion strategies to represent a certain concept of movement
Programming Questions
2 years ago
I am seeking better motion strategies to represent the characters of this animation scene. In the case of the dog, I need to find a way to fix the speed so that its attempt to break away from its leash is more realistic and in the case of the cat, I would like to find a way to have it jump around near the mouse and stay there for a few seconds.
Any ideas?
/* This animation is an interactive game that consists in trying to keep the mouse hidden underneath the moving turtle so that it can try to hide from the cat.
// declare global variables used in this program for the creatures taken from online available clip art
PImage mouseClipArt; // declare a variable to store the mouse image
PImage gingerCatClipArt; // declare a variable to store the cat image
PImage dogOnLeashClipArt; // declare a variable to store the dog image
// declare global variables used in this program for the cat positions and movements
float catRandomX; // declare a variable that will impart some randomness to the cat's horizontal position and thus movements
float catRandomY; // declare a variable that will impart some randomness to the cat's vertical position and thus movements
// declare global variables used in this program for the dog positions and movements
float dogLocX; // declare the variable that determines the X location of the dog in the animation
float dogLocY; // declare the variable that determines the Y location of the dog in the animation
float dogRelativeYPos; // declare a variable that will ensure that the dog's bobbing is related to the Y movement of the mouse
float dogYRangeOfMotion; // declare the variable that will determine the radius of the sin motion to limit the range of the dog's bobbing
float angleDog; // declare the variable that will control the position of the sin wave in the dog's movement
float speedOfDogUpAndDown; // declare a variable that will determine the speed of the dog's bobbing
// declare global variables used in this program for the turtle
float turtleLocX; // declare the variable that determines the X location of the turtle in the animation
float turtleLocY; // declare the variable that determines the Y location of the turtle in the animation
float angleX; // declare the variable that will control the position of the cos wave
float angleY; // declare the variable that will control the position of the sin wave
float turtleMiddleXPos; // declare the variable that will determine the X position from which the cos motion occurs
float turtleXRangeOfMotion; // declare the variable that will determine the radius of the cos motion
float turtleMiddleYPos; // declare the variable that will determine the Y position from which the sin motion occurs
float turtleYRangeOfMotion; // declare the variable that will determine the radius of the sin motion
float speedOfCosWaveMovement; // declare the variable that will impart a change in the angle that controls the cos wave
float speedOfSinWaveMovement; // declare the variable that will impart a change in the angle that controls the sin wave
void setup() {
size(1200, 800); // set the canvas size at 1200 pixels by 800 pixels
background(0, 170, 250); // set background color to the watery shade of blue of A2_01
// initialization of mouse (clip art) variable(s)
mouseClipArt =loadImage ("cf_mouse_clipart.png"); // load the mouse image into its variable
gingerCatClipArt =loadImage ("cf_gingercat_clipart.png"); // load the cat image into its variable
dogOnLeashClipArt =loadImage ("cf_dogonleash_clipart.png"); // load the dog image into its variable
// initialization of dog variables
angleDog=0.0; // initialize the value of the angle for the dog's sin wave movement that has a zero value
dogLocX=1.0; // initialize the value of the angle for the dog X position sot that it starts at zero
dogYRangeOfMotion=height/15-250; // initialize a value for the range of the Y movement of the dog on the sin wave that makes it bob up and down taking its own height into account (=250 pixels)
speedOfDogUpAndDown=0.18; // assign a speed of motion to the dog's up and down movement so that it is bobbing furiously yet also able to follow the Y position of the mouse
// initialization of turtle variables
angleX=0.0; // initialize the value of the angle of the cos wave that has a zero value
angleY=0.0; // initialize the value of the angle of the sin wave that has a zero value
turtleMiddleXPos=width/2-83; // initialize that determines the X position from which the cos motion occurs so that it is roughly near the center calculating the width of the turtle divided by 2 (166%2=83)
turtleXRangeOfMotion=width/4; // initialize a value for the range of X movement of the turtle on the cos wave that makes it cover most of the height but stays inside the window
turtleMiddleYPos=height/2-58; // initialize that determines the Y position from which the sin motion occurs so that it is in the center taking into account the height of the turtle divided by 2 (116%2=58)
turtleYRangeOfMotion=height/3; // initialize a value for the range of Y movement of the turtle on the sin wave that makes it cover most of the height but stays inside the window
speedOfCosWaveMovement=0.011; // initialize a value for the speed of the change of angle of the cos wave that is relatively slow
speedOfSinWaveMovement=0.008; // initialize a value for the speed of the change of angle of the sin wave that is slightly slower than the change of angle for the cos wave movement
// animation method block of code
void draw() {
background(0, 170, 250); // recall the background color in setup during draw
// mouse (from clip art) movements in the draw function
image(mouseClipArt, mouseX-30, mouseY-22, 50, 50); // draw the mouse and position it so that cursor is smack in the middle of it and so that it is small enough to hide underneath the turtle
catRandomX=mouseX*random (-0.0058, 0.0058); // impart a jittery random speed to the cat's X movement that is multiplied by the the movement of mouseX as a decimal value
catRandomY=random (-3, 3); // impart a small random speed to the cat's Y movement to add to the movement of mouseY
image (gingerCatClipArt, (mouseX+135)+catRandomX, (mouseY-150)+catRandomY, 75, 150); // draw the cat and position it so that it is always away from the mouse
// dog movements in the draw method
dogLocX= random(-50, 4); // imparts a random horizontal range of movement to the dog to show it is trying to break off from its leash
dogRelativeYPos=mouseY; // ensures that the dog's up and down movement is relative to the movement of the mouse and the cat
dogLocY=dogRelativeYPos+sin(angleDog)*dogYRangeOfMotion; // calculates the Y location of the dog on the sin wave movement
image (dogOnLeashClipArt, dogLocX, dogLocY, 200, 200); // draw the dog and position it so that it is trying to break its leash while it is stuck in the corner and male it a size that is both proportionate and threatening
angleDog+=speedOfDogUpAndDown; // increment the angle of the sin wave by the speed factor every time the draw () method is called
// turtle movements in the draw method
turtleLocX=turtleMiddleXPos+cos(angleX)*turtleXRangeOfMotion; // calculates the X location of the turtle during its animated movement on the cos wave
turtleLocY=turtleMiddleYPos+sin(angleY)*turtleYRangeOfMotion; // calculates the Y location of the turtle during its animated movement on the sin wave
turtle (turtleLocX, turtleLocY); // draw the turtle from A2_01
angleX+=speedOfCosWaveMovement; // increment the angle of the cos wave by the cos speed factor every time the draw () method is called
angleY+=speedOfSinWaveMovement; // increment the angle of the sin wave by the sin speed factor every time the draw () method is called
// Turtle method block of code
void turtle (float turtleX, float turtleY) { // create the turtle method
// assign parameters for the color and stroke of the solid turtle figure
fill (114, 188, 19); // set color of solid figure to a turtle-like green
stroke(0); // set color of stroke to black for the solid figure outlines
smooth(); // set anti-aliased edges for the solid turtle figure
strokeWeight (3); // set the thickness of the stroke that delineated the solid turtle figure
//draw the rear legs of the turtle with triangle
triangle (turtleX+28, turtleY+18, turtleX+40, turtleY+10, turtleX, turtleY+4);
triangle (turtleX+28, turtleY+18, turtleX+22, turtleY+52, turtleX+52, turtleY+62);
// draw the top flapper underneath the body and head
curveVertex (turtleX+122, turtleY+25);
curveVertex (turtleX+122, turtleY+25);
curveVertex (turtleX+128, turtleY+21);
curveVertex (turtleX+138, turtleY-8);
curveVertex (turtleX+115, turtleY-30);
curveVertex (turtleX+125, turtleY-15);
curveVertex (turtleX+113, turtleY+7);
curveVertex (turtleX+113, turtleY+7);
// draw the bottom flapper underneath the body and head
curveVertex (turtleX+131, turtleY+23);
curveVertex (turtleX+131, turtleY+23);
curveVertex (turtleX+136, turtleY+27);
curveVertex (turtleX+138, turtleY+42);
curveVertex (turtleX+130, turtleY+60);
curveVertex (turtleX+118, turtleY+85);
curveVertex (turtleX+119, turtleY+86);
curveVertex (turtleX+115, turtleY+78);
curveVertex (turtleX+124, turtleY+25);
curveVertex (turtleX+124, turtleY+25);
// draw the body of the turtle with 11 curveVertices points
beginShape ();
//end of the turtle's tail
curveVertex (turtleX, turtleY+30);
curveVertex (turtleX, turtleY+30);
//top of turtle
curveVertex (turtleX+12, turtleY+20);
curveVertex (turtleX+50, turtleY+8);
curveVertex (turtleX+118, turtleY);
// head of turtle and twist in the turtle's neck
curveVertex (turtleX+152, turtleY+30);
curveVertex (turtleX+166, turtleY+8);
curveVertex (turtleX+146, turtleY+10);
//bottom of turtle
curveVertex (turtleX+126, turtleY+40);
curveVertex (turtleX+80, turtleY+52);
curveVertex (turtleX+20, turtleY+35);
// part of turtle's tail that connects to its end
curveVertex (turtleX+12, turtleY+25);
curveVertex (turtleX+12, turtleY+25);
// draw the eye and the smile of the turtle
fill(232, 221, 7);
ellipse (turtleX+158, turtleY+14, 2, 2);
fill(93, 9, 0);
arc(turtleX+156, turtleY+24, 6, 6, QUARTER_PI, PI+QUARTER_PI);
Any ideas?
/* This animation is an interactive game that consists in trying to keep the mouse hidden underneath the moving turtle so that it can try to hide from the cat.
// declare global variables used in this program for the creatures taken from online available clip art
PImage mouseClipArt; // declare a variable to store the mouse image
PImage gingerCatClipArt; // declare a variable to store the cat image
PImage dogOnLeashClipArt; // declare a variable to store the dog image
// declare global variables used in this program for the cat positions and movements
float catRandomX; // declare a variable that will impart some randomness to the cat's horizontal position and thus movements
float catRandomY; // declare a variable that will impart some randomness to the cat's vertical position and thus movements
// declare global variables used in this program for the dog positions and movements
float dogLocX; // declare the variable that determines the X location of the dog in the animation
float dogLocY; // declare the variable that determines the Y location of the dog in the animation
float dogRelativeYPos; // declare a variable that will ensure that the dog's bobbing is related to the Y movement of the mouse
float dogYRangeOfMotion; // declare the variable that will determine the radius of the sin motion to limit the range of the dog's bobbing
float angleDog; // declare the variable that will control the position of the sin wave in the dog's movement
float speedOfDogUpAndDown; // declare a variable that will determine the speed of the dog's bobbing
// declare global variables used in this program for the turtle
float turtleLocX; // declare the variable that determines the X location of the turtle in the animation
float turtleLocY; // declare the variable that determines the Y location of the turtle in the animation
float angleX; // declare the variable that will control the position of the cos wave
float angleY; // declare the variable that will control the position of the sin wave
float turtleMiddleXPos; // declare the variable that will determine the X position from which the cos motion occurs
float turtleXRangeOfMotion; // declare the variable that will determine the radius of the cos motion
float turtleMiddleYPos; // declare the variable that will determine the Y position from which the sin motion occurs
float turtleYRangeOfMotion; // declare the variable that will determine the radius of the sin motion
float speedOfCosWaveMovement; // declare the variable that will impart a change in the angle that controls the cos wave
float speedOfSinWaveMovement; // declare the variable that will impart a change in the angle that controls the sin wave
void setup() {
size(1200, 800); // set the canvas size at 1200 pixels by 800 pixels
background(0, 170, 250); // set background color to the watery shade of blue of A2_01
// initialization of mouse (clip art) variable(s)
mouseClipArt =loadImage ("cf_mouse_clipart.png"); // load the mouse image into its variable
gingerCatClipArt =loadImage ("cf_gingercat_clipart.png"); // load the cat image into its variable
dogOnLeashClipArt =loadImage ("cf_dogonleash_clipart.png"); // load the dog image into its variable
// initialization of dog variables
angleDog=0.0; // initialize the value of the angle for the dog's sin wave movement that has a zero value
dogLocX=1.0; // initialize the value of the angle for the dog X position sot that it starts at zero
dogYRangeOfMotion=height/15-250; // initialize a value for the range of the Y movement of the dog on the sin wave that makes it bob up and down taking its own height into account (=250 pixels)
speedOfDogUpAndDown=0.18; // assign a speed of motion to the dog's up and down movement so that it is bobbing furiously yet also able to follow the Y position of the mouse
// initialization of turtle variables
angleX=0.0; // initialize the value of the angle of the cos wave that has a zero value
angleY=0.0; // initialize the value of the angle of the sin wave that has a zero value
turtleMiddleXPos=width/2-83; // initialize that determines the X position from which the cos motion occurs so that it is roughly near the center calculating the width of the turtle divided by 2 (166%2=83)
turtleXRangeOfMotion=width/4; // initialize a value for the range of X movement of the turtle on the cos wave that makes it cover most of the height but stays inside the window
turtleMiddleYPos=height/2-58; // initialize that determines the Y position from which the sin motion occurs so that it is in the center taking into account the height of the turtle divided by 2 (116%2=58)
turtleYRangeOfMotion=height/3; // initialize a value for the range of Y movement of the turtle on the sin wave that makes it cover most of the height but stays inside the window
speedOfCosWaveMovement=0.011; // initialize a value for the speed of the change of angle of the cos wave that is relatively slow
speedOfSinWaveMovement=0.008; // initialize a value for the speed of the change of angle of the sin wave that is slightly slower than the change of angle for the cos wave movement
// animation method block of code
void draw() {
background(0, 170, 250); // recall the background color in setup during draw
// mouse (from clip art) movements in the draw function
image(mouseClipArt, mouseX-30, mouseY-22, 50, 50); // draw the mouse and position it so that cursor is smack in the middle of it and so that it is small enough to hide underneath the turtle
catRandomX=mouseX*random (-0.0058, 0.0058); // impart a jittery random speed to the cat's X movement that is multiplied by the the movement of mouseX as a decimal value
catRandomY=random (-3, 3); // impart a small random speed to the cat's Y movement to add to the movement of mouseY
image (gingerCatClipArt, (mouseX+135)+catRandomX, (mouseY-150)+catRandomY, 75, 150); // draw the cat and position it so that it is always away from the mouse
// dog movements in the draw method
dogLocX= random(-50, 4); // imparts a random horizontal range of movement to the dog to show it is trying to break off from its leash
dogRelativeYPos=mouseY; // ensures that the dog's up and down movement is relative to the movement of the mouse and the cat
dogLocY=dogRelativeYPos+sin(angleDog)*dogYRangeOfMotion; // calculates the Y location of the dog on the sin wave movement
image (dogOnLeashClipArt, dogLocX, dogLocY, 200, 200); // draw the dog and position it so that it is trying to break its leash while it is stuck in the corner and male it a size that is both proportionate and threatening
angleDog+=speedOfDogUpAndDown; // increment the angle of the sin wave by the speed factor every time the draw () method is called
// turtle movements in the draw method
turtleLocX=turtleMiddleXPos+cos(angleX)*turtleXRangeOfMotion; // calculates the X location of the turtle during its animated movement on the cos wave
turtleLocY=turtleMiddleYPos+sin(angleY)*turtleYRangeOfMotion; // calculates the Y location of the turtle during its animated movement on the sin wave
turtle (turtleLocX, turtleLocY); // draw the turtle from A2_01
angleX+=speedOfCosWaveMovement; // increment the angle of the cos wave by the cos speed factor every time the draw () method is called
angleY+=speedOfSinWaveMovement; // increment the angle of the sin wave by the sin speed factor every time the draw () method is called
// Turtle method block of code
void turtle (float turtleX, float turtleY) { // create the turtle method
// assign parameters for the color and stroke of the solid turtle figure
fill (114, 188, 19); // set color of solid figure to a turtle-like green
stroke(0); // set color of stroke to black for the solid figure outlines
smooth(); // set anti-aliased edges for the solid turtle figure
strokeWeight (3); // set the thickness of the stroke that delineated the solid turtle figure
//draw the rear legs of the turtle with triangle
triangle (turtleX+28, turtleY+18, turtleX+40, turtleY+10, turtleX, turtleY+4);
triangle (turtleX+28, turtleY+18, turtleX+22, turtleY+52, turtleX+52, turtleY+62);
// draw the top flapper underneath the body and head
curveVertex (turtleX+122, turtleY+25);
curveVertex (turtleX+122, turtleY+25);
curveVertex (turtleX+128, turtleY+21);
curveVertex (turtleX+138, turtleY-8);
curveVertex (turtleX+115, turtleY-30);
curveVertex (turtleX+125, turtleY-15);
curveVertex (turtleX+113, turtleY+7);
curveVertex (turtleX+113, turtleY+7);
// draw the bottom flapper underneath the body and head
curveVertex (turtleX+131, turtleY+23);
curveVertex (turtleX+131, turtleY+23);
curveVertex (turtleX+136, turtleY+27);
curveVertex (turtleX+138, turtleY+42);
curveVertex (turtleX+130, turtleY+60);
curveVertex (turtleX+118, turtleY+85);
curveVertex (turtleX+119, turtleY+86);
curveVertex (turtleX+115, turtleY+78);
curveVertex (turtleX+124, turtleY+25);
curveVertex (turtleX+124, turtleY+25);
// draw the body of the turtle with 11 curveVertices points
beginShape ();
//end of the turtle's tail
curveVertex (turtleX, turtleY+30);
curveVertex (turtleX, turtleY+30);
//top of turtle
curveVertex (turtleX+12, turtleY+20);
curveVertex (turtleX+50, turtleY+8);
curveVertex (turtleX+118, turtleY);
// head of turtle and twist in the turtle's neck
curveVertex (turtleX+152, turtleY+30);
curveVertex (turtleX+166, turtleY+8);
curveVertex (turtleX+146, turtleY+10);
//bottom of turtle
curveVertex (turtleX+126, turtleY+40);
curveVertex (turtleX+80, turtleY+52);
curveVertex (turtleX+20, turtleY+35);
// part of turtle's tail that connects to its end
curveVertex (turtleX+12, turtleY+25);
curveVertex (turtleX+12, turtleY+25);
// draw the eye and the smile of the turtle
fill(232, 221, 7);
ellipse (turtleX+158, turtleY+14, 2, 2);
fill(93, 9, 0);
arc(turtleX+156, turtleY+24, 6, 6, QUARTER_PI, PI+QUARTER_PI);