Loading array with comma
Programming Questions
1 year ago
I'm working on a program that loads a configuration file and then compares it to a file created by the user. An example:
This is what the configuration file says, it's basically a template for the user to work with.
13=Begin autocreate of (House) ...,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Causes the specified House to create teams as it sees fit (IQ>2).,0,1,13
And then there are other things like
[ParamTypes] and [EventsMO3] that need to be handled seperatly.
The program should look for these headers in the INI file then load everything after it until the next header.
It should ignore the text at the start, and everything after the zero's.
Does someone know how to create a method that loads everything this way?
If anyone wants to help me with the total program, that would be supreme awesomeness.