Linking Max/Msp and Processing
Integration and Hardware
8 months ago
I was just wondering what is the best way to link Max/MSP and Processing together? I've tried looking at OscP5 and Maxlink, but I'm not sure where to start..
So basically now, I've done a translation of colour into sound in Max/MSP.. so everything is fully in max msp where I will read an image and then some calculations of the rgb then the numbers will be passed and translated in midi note...
But I was thinking I want to do the whole gui in Processing where the image will be read and then maybe I will pass the numbers to max msp for translation.
Also, as I will be testing this soon, I would also want to do key tracking where there will be two images shown and the user will press two keys for yes/no .... (this experiment is for visually impaired people by the way)
Thank you, looking for to all of your input.